and it sucks to sleep cause you aren't talking to me

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"fuckin' christ, awsten! can't you do a goddamn thing right?" awsten's dad yelled, rubbing his temples.

the "family", composed of awsten and his father, sat at the dinner table. awsten had accidentally dropped a glass and shattered it on the floor. he was surprised his dad didn't hit him this time.

"i-i'm sorry, mr. knight," awsten whispered. that was a thing--he refused to call his father "dad" or "father". it was partly because he had no respect for the man.

it was mainly because he would get slapped if he did.

awsten felt tears starting to roll down his face. he wiped his eyes and shook his head as he swept up the mess.

"awsten, just--stop. just go to your fucking room. dumbass boy..."

awsten nodded and went upstairs. there was definitely something wrong with his dad.

he sat on his bed and started sobbing, trying not to be loud. awsten would be the first to admit it--he was a crybaby. he cried most of the day at school, when his dad wasn't home, and when he went to bed.

he kept crying until his phone dinged, signaling a text. he never got texts except for when otto or grace texted him. grace and awsten used to date before he realized he was gay, and grace and otto now date. grace moved in with otto's family after her parents died. they lived in the apartment next to awsten.

groupchat message from "drunk lobsters"!

auto would: hi awsten r u ok?

tiny aws: yea why wouldnt i b

glitterdicks: well like
glitterdicks: we heard something break earlier and some yelling

auto would: we were just worried

tiny aws: nah its ok i broke a glass but he wasnt angry w me tbh, he just sent me to my room

glitterdicks: damn, smthn must be up with him

auto would: dont trust that awsten, stay safe please

glitterdicks: we have to go eat dinner now, please rest well and drink water when you wake up

tiny aws: ok mom

and with that, awsten shut his phone off and stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.

crybaby 🌹 gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now