so just take my hand, only seconds left

433 21 29

"wh-where are your parents?" awsten asked, sitting on the counter as geoff made eggs.

"oh, they live in l.a. that's where i moved from. i live with my older sister now."

"will she be mad about me b-being here?

"oh, of course not. if she is, i'll handle it."

geoff was quite glad that awsten didn't ask why he left his parents. it's not that he had a choice. they died in a horrific accident. he had been staying with his aunt until she got too old to take care of him.

"geoff, i'm home!" his sister called out. "oh, uh, who's this?"

"awsten," geoff said.

"oh, well, welcome to our home!"

awsten grinned and hopped off the counter as geoff started putting food on plates. he askes his sister if she wanted anything but she shook her head and went to her room.

"do you want to go to the mall after you eat?" geoff asked, eating scrambled eggs.

"i-i mean, yeah, i need clothes but i don't h-have an-any money."

"i'll bring money for you."

awsten looked at him, but geoff just smiled and gestured to awsten's food. geoff, to say the least, was fucking loaded. he didn't want to go to college, he'd rather start a band. so, his aunt let him take out of his massive college fund

awsten finished eating and smiled. "let's go."


they walked into the massive building, making a bee-line for hot topic. awsten really needed some band tees and jeans. there was also a really cool my chemical romance shirt he wanted to buy for otto.

they walked in and the first thing geoff noticed was the girl standing at the counter. they had barely stepped in when she started staring at awsten. geoff clenched his jaw and put his arm around awsten's waist, pulling him to his side.

awsten was startled but didn't say anything. geoff glared at the girl who finally looked away. he let go of awsten with a satisfied smile and headed towards the jeans.

"pick some out. i'm gonna go look at shirts, alright?"


awsten had picked out three pairs of jeans when the girl came over to him. her nametag read 'ciara' and she smiled at awsten.

"finding everything alright?"

"y--uh, yeah."

he noticed geoff had turned around and was looking at them.

"you're a cutie. shame you're here with"

"uh, um, okay--"

she cut him off by grabbing his arm and pulling out a pen. she started writing her number when geoff came over.

"excuse me, can you get away from him?"

"uh, no? it's not like he's your property."

geoff tore awsten out of her grip and held him to his side with an ungodly tight grasp on his waist.

"that's where you're wrong. he's mine, and only mine."

ciara sighed, mumbling about how the cute ones are always taken. she went to the back and soon a familiar face replaced her.


"oh, hey, awsten! and...geoff."

"hello, otto." geoff spit out like venom, pulling awsten even closer.

otto blinked and focused his attention on awsten. "what brings you here?"

"this cutie--" awsten cupped geoff's face, "brought me here to buy clothes."

otto looked surprised before smiling confusedly.

"well, i guess i'll ring you up."


this is rushed bc my wifi cuts off soon oof

crybaby 🌹 gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now