what's the point of saying sorry now?

420 22 1

geoff gave awsten a reassuring smile as they rode to awsten's house. awsten was terrified about getting beat by his dad, but there was little he'd be able to do. geoff said he would go in and help if awsten needed it.

awsten reluctantly walked inside the small apartment, trying to be quiet. he saw his dad on the couch passed out. he silently thanked whatever deity allowed this so happen and walked to his room carefully. it was quite sad that awsten knew what spots of the floor didn't squeak, or that wearing socks made him quieter even if he slipped a lot.

he laid down on his bed and texted geoff, telling hin it was okay for him to leave. he heard the sound of tires squealing, laughing slightly at geoff's horrendous driving. he was much better on a motorcycle.

he put his earbuds in and turned on blink-182, listening to their self-titled album. he personally believed that neighborhoods was the best, but he needed a change.

he heard the floorboards creak and he quickly turned his phone off and covered himself with his thin blanket. his dad swung the door open and said his name a few times before he got pissed and slammed the door.

he breathed heavily and kept staring at the wall before he knew that his dad was in his room. he grabbed his phone again and proceeded to text geoff.

🎤: you like blink-182, right? i cant remember ksjfkekcxk

💌: yeah, they're good.

🎤: have u ever listened to stockholm syndrome by them

💌: yes, it's one of my favorite songs by them. why?

🎤: idk i was just listening to it

💌: did your dad catch you?

🎤: kind of but i acted like i was asleep

💌 is typing.
💌 is typing.
💌 is typing.

💌: bye.

awsten sighed and rolled over. he decided he might as well sleep, it was getting late. not only that, but he had plans with otto and grace tomorrow.

he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

crybaby 🌹 gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now