watch you from my telescope

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geoff lit the cigarette, breathing in the smoke and letting it out. he leaned against his motorcycle and sighed, putting the cigarette out once he was finished and walked into the school. he was supposed to be getting a tour from some kid around the new school.

it was the first day of school, and he was new. great. he went to the office and introduced himself to the old hag at the counter.

"geoff...geoff...geoff wigington?" she asked.


"ah, the new, uh, kid..." she looked him up and down, glaring at his clothing choices. it was mainly black with a hint of grey from his zelda shirt. he could understand the look she gave.

he was still pissed about it, though.

he sighed. "so who is showing me around?"

"oh, of course! this is awsten. he's a senior like you. you two have most classes except for 7th period together."

awsten waved shyly and geoff rolled his eyes. awsten wore a large grey sweater with "felony steve" embroidered on the front and blue jeans.

"okay, whatever. let's get this going i guess," geoff said.


filler, im gonna try and make the next chapter long

crybaby 🌹 gawstenWhere stories live. Discover now