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A man is made the same way a diamond is, when a great pressure forces him to change. However, that change doesn't mean that the entire composition has been reformed, it just means the outer shell has hardened to protect the soft material inside.

Those words were the mantra Lee Taeyong lived by. Everywhere he went he had to hear about how he was a liar, a scammer, a racist, and a sexist. It was as though the things he said in middle school still applied to him as a 22-year-old man. He was just a boy at the time, those things were a figment of his past that he desperately wanted to forget.

His band members tried to reassure him that idols dealt with scandals all the time but being talked about like trash bothered him. That mantra was the only think that kept him sane, but recently things had become so rocky that he thought he'd have to leave SM all together.

"Hey, you okay?" Your voice was soft when you confronted him. Laced with concern, reassurance, something he hadn't heard in a long time.

"You should just go away..." He sat on the steps, face in his palms. It had been months since his debut, yet the rumors persisted. Hadn't he proved that he had changed?

"It's not safe to be out here alone Taeyong. You should go home...Err where do you live?" You knew him from SMrookies, when you were all prepping to debut together. He was such a sweetheart staying after to help you practice dance moves, walking you to your car, carrying your bags, wrapping your ankles when you were hurt. When your group didn't debut —due to internal issues within itself— he was there to wipe away your tears.  Of course, you enjoyed the short time you spent on the show and the friends you gained, but you wished you could have gotten to know Taeyong a little more before leaving SM.

"I'll walk you to the bus stop." You tell him, grabbing his hand. He pulls away from you, rejecting the softness of your touch.

"The last bus ran already. I'll just walk." He stands up dusting himself off, smoothing back his hair so he can at least look half way decent. However, the redness of his eyes tells you that's he's either been crying or drinking. You hope it's not either but prefer the former to the latter.

"That's a long walk Taeyong. You can spend the night with me if you want. Besides this is a bad part of the city and I don't want you out here by yourself walking. No matter how tough you are, people will still try to harm you." You tell him. He stares at the concrete below him, thinking of an excuse to reject your offer. None come to mind.

"Aren't you concerned I'm gonna scam you or something? Steal your stuff? Hurt your feelings? Ruin your things?" He snarls. He should know you by now though, know that words don't really bother you too much. You view actions.

"C'mon Taeyong I know you're better than that. "You say through a bitter laugh, it sucks that such a nice boy has to endure such malice because of past decisions.

"You're right, I'm sorry...I just...I'm sorry. "You step toward him, caressing the sharpness of his jaw. The way he gazes up at you has you stunned momentarily. You always thought he was cute.

"You really think I'd invite you over if I thought badly of you?" You smile at him, poking his stomach. The way you look at him makes him feel something that he hadn't felt from anyone outside his group members in a while: cared for, appreciated, wanted.


When you arrive at your apartment, Taeyong comments on how clean it looks. His statement puzzles you, until he reminds you that he lives with 17 other males who weren't the cleanest. He spent most of his time babysitting, cleaning, and cooking for them. By the time he's finished, he's exhausted and only has time for a cat nap before dance practice and song rehearsals start.

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