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Warnings: angst +  some revelation of Taeyong and your past , nsfw


"Good morning, Taeyong" You mutter sleepily when you wake up. It's 9am on Sunday morning and you don't have long before you have to get up and prepare tomorrow's lesson plans," Do you need a ride back to the dorms I can— "you stop when you notice the emptiness of the bed, how cold the space is next to you, an indication that he left hours ago.

If last night was just a dream, then the universe has a harsh way of letting you know you're unwanted. Searching around the room, you find your exes clothes folded into a neat pile and a tied off condom in the trash. No goodbye letter or text, just a cold spot next to you on the bed.

This was your reality. A harsh one at that. You feel tears prick at the corners of your eyes but you didn't want to be 'that girl'−the one that cries over lame ass fuckboys−but damn waking up alone hurt. There was no text message, no goodbye, no 'I'm sorry, this isn't gonna work.'. He just up and left.

This has always been a reality for you, you had taken yourself out of the dating game because of things like this: Being picked up by a guy who 'loved chocolate' and curly hair but then being dropped for a girl who was as pale as the flu made children in summer.

"Guess I should have seen that coming...especially after what I did to him back then..."Sighing, you collect yourself and head to the shower. Although you try to forget him the ache between your legs is far from letting Lee Taeyong slip away that easily.

Today's breakfast is simple: a cup of black tea,sweetened of course, and brown sugar cinnamon oatmeal. It's the breakfast choice that has always managed to comfort you when you're sad.

It relaxes you and relaxation is what you need after you've raided your makeup bag looking for concealer and foundation. Seems the universe isn't done embarrassing you as you finally find the empty bottle of your mocha honey colored foundation. The hickies on your neck stick out like a sore thumb and you're also low on green and red color corrector. "Fucking Taeyong. Just going to fuck me and leave! Mark up my skin like some piece of shit animal. I hate you!" You curse him, throwing on a knit scarf to hide his disgraceful claim on your skin.

As you go through your days, the emptiness in your heart yearns for that part of him that made you feel whole.

"I just wanted to protect you." You find you self crying into your pillow at night,"I never meant to hurt you."


You never thought that he'd throw you away like trash after you cared for him, that he'd treat you like some cheap whore. It hurt badly, but you wouldn't let him get the satisfaction of knowing that. You needed to be strong for the kids you worked with, they didn't need to see their noonie/unnie crying.

It's nearly a week later before you're able to starting moving past Taeyong. Occasionally your mind floats back to his smile, the softness of his hair, the warmness of his chest, but you try and shake the thoughts. You go out on small blind dates that your girlfriends set up but they don't remind you of him,kiss you like him, smile like him. 

Today you sit at the kitchen table drinking a cup of mocha latte to warm you up from the bite of the winter weather. The taste of the warm hot chocolate and a shot of expresso has you feeling relaxed, so relaxed that you nearly doze off, had it not been for a knock on your door springing you back to life.

Answering it, you're surprised to see a shivering Taeyong standing at your door, a bouquet of red roses in his hands. " 15...15 red roses to say I'm sorry." standing there silently, you try to figure out your emotions before speaking, "I know that was lame, but I didn't want to show up here empty handed."

You start to shut the door in his face when he reaches a hand out to stop you,
"Don't do this. Please?" His eyes plead you to find some sympathy in his departure. He steps into your apartment, closing and locking the door behind him. He can see the tears glazing up in your pretty brown eyes and it hurts him, "...Please?"

"Don't do what? Be upset about the way you used me up like I was some cheap ass whore? The way you disappeared for a week then just show up here with some shitty ass roses and think that's going to make everything okay?" your voice quivers as you try to prevent the stinging feeling in your eyes from developing into tears, "I know we have history together and I know it ended badly but if this is your revenge then fine! You win Taeyong!"

"I− "

"Get out. Just leave." You yell, cutting him off. He steps forward, placing the roses on the coffee table besides you. You can't stop the tears from free flowing at this point. 

"That was never my intention. Do you think I'd come back if it was? "He reaches out to touch you, but you slap his hand away.

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