Who is the new girl

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It was my first day of high school and I show up late to school, this is the worst day of my life.
"Good morning young lady" Said the man.
I just walk past him and said "good morning,  good sir". I started running to class and I was about to pass out, I was almost there and as I walk
" Good I was doing attended,  you just on time, Ms. Elsa "Said Mr Heywood
" T-thats good,  where can I sit"said Elsa out of breath
"You cam sit next to jack and please where one take out you books"said Mr. Heywood
I started walking to my sit,  almost all the boys in the class was looking at me. I made it to my sit,  and he feet was on my chair.
" Can you please move you feet off my chair"said Elsa
He look at me up and down and rise his eyebrow,  said"sorry cutie, did you pay for the sit"
Once he said that something just click inside of me, next thing I known it I was in front of the principal office and I look at jack, I started laughing.
"Wow I see there was a fight between a chair, isn't that interesting" Said Ms. Brown
Wow she is beautiful and so much a bitch,  but she got a nice body.
"So who can tell me, what happen" Said Ms. Brown with a smile
Everything was so quiet and nice at the same time
"How about you jack, oh you can't  your lip looks... Ewww,  go to the bathroom please" Said Ms. Brown
As jack walk out the room, Ms. Bitch was looking at and it look she wanted to tell me something.
"I hope me and you could be friends, and I'm sorry about jack, he really doesn't act like this" Said Ms. Brown
I push my chair back and stand up, walk to the door and said"I don't give a fuck, what you get to say, I don't want to be friends with a whore, who is only here for Jack,  I'm leaving now, so bye. "
As I walk out the jack was clearing himself up
"I'm sorry what I did to your face, I can't bring your handsome face back" Said Elsa
"Do you to be friends and from there we can go on a date" Said jack blushing
"I would think about it, I already I like you as a friend" Said elsa. It look like jack want a kiss and he was going to lead in for a kiss but "my ride is here, maybe next time jack". I walk away from him and was looking at him,  I look up to the sky and said" Tomorrow is going to be a fun day, right daddy, I wish you was here now" I started to cry,  I wiped my tears and started to smile, and I went on my way.

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