Elsa dream

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After school finish me and jack got married and we had a beautiful baby girl.
"Mommy" Said Emma
"Yes Emma dear" Said Elsa with a smile.
"Can we go to the ice cream truck mommy" Said Emma. Emma started to run to the truck and order her favorite ic cream. Elsa give her the money and Emma payed for her ice cream. After they pay the ice cream, they was on their way home and jack was waiting for them. As Elsa open the door, Emma ran into jack arms and said"daddy I miss you, me and mommy got ice cream today". Jack hold her and started laughing, he look at Elsa, she smile.
"Oh really, how was school Emma, did you do your homework, yet" Said jack with a smile
Emma stop and think, she forgot that she had homework, as jack put Emma down, she ran into her room and started her homework.
"How she's a fast one, she didn't even answer my question, I guess she has her mother in her" Said jack
Elsa started to laugh, "was that a joke jack, and of course she do" Said laughing Elsa.
"Yea, was it funny" Said jack. Elsa put her arms around jack neck and they kiss and said"yes it was funny, the funniest one yet, haha".
It was time to go to bed, Elsa wake up from her dream and went to go check on Emma, she was fine. But Elsa had a bad feel, as soon as she turn around, Emma was gone, so was jack.
"Oh my god, jack, Emma are you here" Said scared Elsa
"Who is Emma, Elsa" Said Anna. Elsa look around her room and she was happy. 'Thank god, it was only a dream, and a good one too, until that happen' said in Elsa mind. Anna got up and said"well it's time for school and you gonna tell who is Emma, ok". Elsa look up and said"yea, I'll tell you, when I ready and get out I need to get dress".
Anna walk out of Elsa room and when do down stairs, as Elsa was getting dress, she thinking about what happened in her dream, she was scared, and she didn't want to tell jack.
"Elsa come on, we going to be late for school" Said Anna in a hurry. Elsa ran down that stairs, started to walk to school. When Elsa and Anna git to school jack was waiting for them and Elsa walk pass jack.
"Jack, hey how was your morning" Said Anna. Jack wasn't really was paying attention to Anna, he was worried about Elsa.
"Jack, Elsa had a bad dream, she need space, ok" Said Anna
"What happen in her dream" Said worried jack
"I don't know, she wouldn't tell me, all I heard was a name" Said Anna
"What was the name" Said jack
"Emma, that was the name" Said Anna
"Emma uh, thank you Anna" Said jack running down the Hall.
"You welcome, be careful jack" Said Anna in front of the school.
Jack was running to the school library, to see what do Emma means.
As he got there, there was nobody in it so he had a lot of time to search of the book,  he started a the letter E, and he found it.
'Emma uh, it's see who she is. There's nothing about her, wait this is Elsa, she looks just like Elsa, I need to have this book 'said jack mind. He went to check out the book and he was shocked that he found Elsa inside of the book, but the second think himself, 'this could Elsa daughter and they do really alike, I need to talk to Emma and see who she is related to'.
As the six period was over, it was time for lunch and Elsa was sitting at the table with Anna, listening to Anna talk about boys but at the same time reading the book,. Jack ran up to the table and said "Elsa, we need to talk, now". Elsa look at him and went back to her book,
" Who is Emma, is she, your daughter, uh Elsa"said jack out of breath. Elsa eyes got whiten and she was speechless, she didn't know what to say, so she told him to sit down said said"Emma is our daughter, and she is beautiful and smart, she would get A on her testes and I was so proud of her, until one night she was gone".
Jack was shocked and Elsa started to cry her eyes out, "I couldn't do anything to save her, I was to late, my baby girl, my beautiful girl was gone". Jack got up and started walking to Elsa and give her a huge, said" It's going to be ok, she's really not gone, it was only a dream, I promise in the future, I'll protect her". Elsa wipe her eyes and gave him a hug, "thank you jack, I really needed this" Said Elsa with a smile. Jack reach in for another hug, and he was trying to get a kiss from Elsa, but "don't even try it, we talk about this already, jack" Said Elsa.
Anna started to laugh, it was end if the day, Anna and Elsa went home.
Elsa went to her room and look at the and say" Today was a ok day, right daddy, I hope that dream doesn't came true,  I'm still worried about it, I couldn't tell jack the whole story, that he was gone too, but everything is all good now, daddy,  I love you and good night ". As Elsa went into her bed and cut off the light, Anna heard everything.

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