Are elsa and jack dating

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"Hey,  how you seen my sister" Said Anna
"Yea,  she's with jack, they are both drunk" Said peanut
Anna and peanut walk to the that Elsa and jack in and they saw this

"Hey,  how you seen my sister" Said Anna"Yea,  she's with jack, they are both drunk" Said peanutAnna and peanut walk to the that Elsa and jack in and they saw this

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"WHAT THE HELL ELSA" Said angry Anna
Peanut kept his mouth shut, and Elsa, jack eyes whiten up and pull a blanket over her. "What the hell peanut,  you shouldn't have bring her here, I'm nake for crying out loud" Said drunk Elsa
Jack was in the laughing,  and Elsa turn around,  about to punch him, he stop laughing.
"Bro,  you hit Elsa, man I'm so wanted to do that" Said peanut
Anna went up to him and "slap", "shut your mouth, you got it"said Anna
" Yes"said peanut about to cry
Elsa and jack was laughing, Anna turn around, they stop laughing. "Lets go Elsa,  it's time to give home, NOW" Said angry Anna
As the girls was leaving the room, jack said"damn she left a mark on your face, hahahaha "
"Stop laughing at me,  you got a mark on your neck" Said peanut
"Wow that's means Elsa is mines now,  she only belongs to me" Said jack.
The next Elsa wake up with a hung over and smelling like Jack, "Anna why am I nake, why do I smell like Jack, what happen last night, did we sleep together, oh nooo.... " Said Elsa
Anna took a deep breath and said "you had a few drinks,  you and jack had sex,  and you got a hicey on your neck"
I wanted to punch in his face,  but I thought about it'  I had a few drinks, why didn't jack put Mr in a cub and take me home, or maybe he was drunk too, oh my god, damn this nigger is dead' I went up back to my room and took a shower, got dress.
I walk to school and guess who I saw,  I walk up on him and said " What happen last night "
Jack swollen and said"nothing happen"
Elsa give him the look and "ok, ok we had sex, you was saying'ahh, jack I'm about to cum, ahhhhhhhh'
" Slap, shut up, you such a asshole "said Elsa about to cry
Elsa walk way crying and Anna give her a hug
" Bro,  you miss up, Elsa wouldn't talk to you anymore "said peanut
" I know, I want her, I want to make her my wife"said jack upset
Elsa walk about to class and jack was waiting for her.
When he look up, he saw her walking away from him,  he ran up to me and hug me from behind and said "I'm so  sorry elsa, I didn't want to hurt you, I really do love you" I started to blush and he kept holding me, turn around and said "it's ok,  I love you too, only as a friend" I started to smile, I give him a kiss on the chick. Once I turn around Ms. Bitch was looking at us,  and she was mad at, she walk to room and jack ran after her. "Wait ms...  Me and elsa was just talking, Ms... " Said jack out of breath. She stop and ran time him and kiss him on his lips, jack push her off and said" What was that,  are you ok". She pull on his shirt and went down to the floor and said "jack, I don't want with elsa,  only with me, not her, she's doesn't even love you, like I do"
Jack was quite and upset but he thought about what I said"If you really love me, than you would want me to be happy, right"
"Yes" Said Ms. Brown crying on the floor. Jack got on his knees, look at her and said"I know you love me, so do elsa, she's my everything,  I'll never stop loving her, even if she wants me to. I'll keep fighting for my love, but you can't take her place "
She got up and wipe her face and said "you're right, I'll fight for my place"
"That's not what I met" Said jack
Jack started to laugh and walk out of the room and I was standing there
" I heard everything, you will fight for me"said elsa with a smile
Jack started blushing, "yes love, so how about that date"
"I said no,  let's keep being friends" Said elsa with a smile and she pull out her hand, jack smile and said "ok, let's finish being friends".
Elsa went home, look out her window and said" Hey daddy everything been a fun day, I didn't think that jack would fall for me, but that's fine, you only on has my heart, mommy too".
After those words she said, jack and elsa started hanging out more, elsa fall in love with him, and 25 years later they had a child and they name her Emma frost.

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