Meeting her parents

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After the news got round, my mom call me and said
"Hey honey how is school" said elsa mom
"Its good mom , why did you call me " said Elsa
" Well a little Birdy told me that you getting marry " said Elsa mom
"A little birdy " said elsa knowing who it is
"Yea a birdy and please don't hurt the little birdy who told me " said elsa mom being worried about Ana
who told you that im getting marry " said Elsa with a fake smile
" MS.hart we need you " I'm sorry Elsa I have to go and bring your husband to the house " said Elsa mom getting off the phone
As elsa mom hang up , elsa went to ana and punch in the face
~ At elsa mother house ~
"Elsa what are we doing here" said Jack being confuse
"I told that we was going to meet my mother today"said elsa about to punch jack in the face
"Oh ok"said Jack scared for his life
As elsa ring the door bell , Elsa mother ran  to elsa and jump on her , said
" Elsa, my lovely daughter that doesn't call her or write at all"
"Oh I'm sorry mother"said Elsa sarcastically
When elsa  said that , Elsa mother put her in a head lock and said
"Say sorry and I would let you go"
'Now I see how Elsa is so tough and is she in pain' said jack in his mind
When Elsa mother look back up ,she saw jack watching them with a fake smile
"Oh I'm sorry, its nice to meet you jack" said Elsa mother with a smile
"Oh its nice to meet you to MS...." Said jack trying to elsa mother name
"Oh its Rosaline and you just call me Rosa"said Rosa(Elsa mother)
"Oh ok Rosa , can you please let go of my wife"said jack with smile
"Oh Yea, here's your wife"said Rosa realizing what she did
"Wow mother you got even stronger, so did I" said Elsa with a big smile
"Oh really , lets check it out" said Rosa with a smirk
"Ok"said Elsa with a smirk back
As Elsa and Ross was getting ready to see who is stronger , jack was saying in his mind ' wow they are really competitive , I wonder if me and elsa have children ,would they be the same way'
"You ready Elsa"said rosa
"Yes mommy"said Elsa in her cute voice
Elsa saw her mother crying when she mother but that didn't stop her mother from beating her
As Elsa was on the edge , elsa started to talk shit to her mother and when they turn there heads , they saw jack just setting there and eating popcorn and drinking soda
"JACK , YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION AND SEE WHO WIN" said Elsa and Rosa at the same time
" o-oh ok" said Jack scared for this life
As they was at the end of their arm wrestling, jack say in his mind
' Yea they're you g to very competitive with each other and if Elsa doesn't rise them the wrong way'
~A few minutes later~
'Wow they still add it, I thought they would be finish and I'm hungry, tired I though we was here to meet her mother , not to have a arm wrestling' said jack in his mind
"Umm guys can we please get in si..." Said jack got cut off by elsa and Rosa
"What do you want jack, do you see me doing something"said Elsa and Rosa at the same time
"Well its getting dark so can...." Said jack getting cut off again
Elsa and Rosa was still arm wrestling,when they turn their heads
They was jack with a creepy smile on his face and said " We need to get in side please and I'm going to ask again"
Elsa and Rosa stop what they was doing and walk inside the house
"Wow Elsa, you found the right man for you"said rosa being a mother and a friend
"Thanks mom, I'm gonna go take a shower now"said elsa walking to the bathroom
~after the shower~
Elsa walk to her room and got dress, the reason why is that because ana and the other girls call her to have a girl night, so yea
As elsa was walking to were jack was at ,she  said " oh jack ,how do I look"
"Why it's not like you going some where"said jack watching the basket ball
"What was that" said Elsa trying to hold back her anger
As Elsa was waiting for jack to answer, she walk up to him and said
"Jack frost , I'm going to ask again"
Jack look up and said" get out of my way and I don't care"
Elsa temper went up and she put jack in a head lock ,when Rosa(Elsa mother) walk she said "what is all of that noise"
"Oh nothing mother"said elsa with a smile and hold jack in her arm
"Oh ok,go back to what you was doing"said rosa walking back to her room,as she was sleep walk

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