The sisters are fighting

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It was the weekend and I did all of my homework. Anna wants me to hangout with her so do jack. As Elsa was getting ready to hangout with Anna, Anna had another plans this weekend and she didn't tell Elsa about it. Elsa went down stairs to the kitchen,
"Anna, let's hangout today, we can go to the park" Said Elsa with a smile.
" Sorry elsa, we can't, me and jack have plans for this weekend, sorry maybe next time"said Anna in a hurry. As Anna was walking out the door, Elsa was kind of upset, then she thought about 'maybe I can follow them and see what they up to'. So that was elsa plan, as elsa was going along with her plan, she saw Anna and jack walk off together, holding hands. Elsa was mad and she told herself to clim down, jack could explain, what's going on between them or I could ran up to them and punch both of them. After elsa was trying to figure out what to do, Anna saw elsa hidden in the busses, so Anna pull jack in for a kiss on the lips. When elsa turn around, she got of the busses and walk up to them.
"Wow jack, you and my sister now, I can't believe you" Said elsa
Jack was speechless, he was mad at himself and
"Came on Anna, we didn't finish our date" Said jack walking away, while pulling Anna away from elsa. Elsa wanted to punch Anna in the face so bad, so elsa just walk away and went home.
As elsa was out of the way,
"Anna, what the hell was that, me and you know, that elsa could of hurt us" Said scared jack.
Anna started to laugh and said
"Oh really, she wouldn't lead a finger on me, even if she would've, she going to have to explain to our parents".
Jack hated himself, that he want to punch someone in the face.
" Came on jack fix your face, you need to lighten up,  you acting like you in love with her". Jack stay quite as long as he can, until the bubble...
"SHUT UP Anna, you don't know anything, I'm in love with elsa, she's the only one that understand me or even try to understand. Other girls was only around me because they wanted to go out with me and I hurt elsa, I can't live with myself. I need to go say sorry, to her".
Jack started running away, to go see elsa.
"Wait jack........." Said Anna trying to stop jack. Anna started to say to herself' would anybody love, as much he love elsa, uh'.
When elsa made it to the house, she started to cry and say
"Why would he do that, he said that he love me, 'I love you elsa' and I fall for that haha". Elsa got up and drink her same peach cobbler, she had like 8 or 10 drinks. Than someone knock on the door, she got up and answer the door
" Who is i-it"said drunk elsa
"It's me jack, can I come in" Said jack out of breath
Elsa open door and she give him a hug,
"Have you been drinking, elsa" Said jack. Elsa started laughing and said
"N-No jack, may-b-be".
" How many did you have"said jack.
"Like 8 cups, why" Said elsa.
"Nothing" Said jack blushing.
"O-oh I see, you want a kiss  right, you trying to get into these pants" Said elsa trying to keep a sense. Jack started to smile and lead in, kiss her. Elsa eyes whiten and she kiss him back. As jack and elsa was kissing, he pick her up and took her to the bedroom,  and he took off his shirt, so did elsa. And "jack I think we should stop" Said elsa
"Why,  I thought we was having a good time" Said jack
"We was, until you kiss me, and this doesn't change what happened between you and my sister" Said elsa
"Oh you still mad, but to let you know, you're the only person that I would do this with and have a good night, love" Said jack leaving the room.
Elsa ran to jack and jump on him, kiss him and said "I'm the only person, than show me". Jack and kiss her , some more, than his hand went down where her cherry blossom was at.
Than he self his finger in, and Elsa started to...
Jack was kissing Elsa all over, and she said" Jack, y-you n-eed to put it in alread, haaaaaa ".
" Sorry bae, you gonna have to hang in there a little, longer " Said jack.
As jack pick up Elsa , he saw that her face was red and he was enjoying this,
"Jack, please put it i-n, haaaaaa" Said Elsa
Jack saw Elsa eyes whiten and her head back, as he was putting it, in and out.  He likes the sounds that, she was making, he went faster and faster and all you hear was this
"Haaa, jack go a little faster, haaaa, ummm, haaaa" Said about to cum. 
Jack put Elsa against The Wall and said in her ear"I'm gonna make you mine, and nobody can't take you away from me, if they do, they dead. Do you understand, Elsa love".
"Ummm, y-yes i-i u-under-s-stand" Said Elsa bittting her lip.

Until next chapter!!!

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