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The window shatters

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The window shatters. The grunts of the man and screams of the students are all that Jimin hears. He's in so much shock that he doesn't hear Hoseok calling for him to get away. The man is bent over the window sill, caught on the shards of class buried in his stomach. There's blood spurting out of his mouth and straight on to the floor.


The blood is all that Jimin can think about. Dripping down onto the carpet, staining the once clean, navy blue flooring. He's chomping at the air and reaching out to Jimin in a desperate attempt to attack him. Jimin can't tear his eyes away.

"For Christ's sake, J!" Hoseok moves to hook his arms under Jimin's shoulders and pull him away, using all his strength. Jimin eventually falls on top of Hoseok and is finally brought back to reality. He gasps,

"Hobi! What the fuck!? What is that??" He yells as he brushes himself off, as if to rid himself of any trace of that "man".

"How the fuck would I know?? Now, move!" Hoseok grabs Jimin's arm and pulls him along as he runs out of the classroom. Jimin doesn't know how but everyone was already evacuated out of the room. They stop outside the door as their eyes widen.

The school is in chaos.

Kids are screaming, crying, fighting, some are backed into a wall or corner with their knees to their chest. There's rubbish everywhere; papers from homework and school books, school supplies, even some shoes and jackets. But the one thing that sticks out is the various torn up bodies of once known classmates and peers, their blood painting the tiled floors and steel lockers. Jimin's breathing quickens,

"Hoseok, I'm scared." Tears brimming Jimin's eyes, his grip on Hoseok's arm tightening painfully. Hoseok frantically scans the halls, looking for a sort of safe area to get to. That's when he remembers.

"Jimin, the attic!" Jimin is too scared to move, he shakes his head but Hoseok takes off with Jimin hanging on tight. They dart through the many struggles and fights of students and those things. Trips and stumbles every few steps trying to avoid the lifeless bodies scattered on the floor. Jimin's adrenaline is so through the roof he can't feel anything in his body. His lungs are burning from the amount of exercise he's getting from running.

They finally make it to a storage closet, but Jimin is still confused. He looks around to find nothing but cleaning supplies and empty bins. He turns to Hoseok, "Hyung, w-why are we here? I-I don't see anywhere we can h-hide and if one of those t-things tries to get in we can't g-go anywhere and we'll get eaten a-and we'll d-"

"Jimin! We're not gonna die, remember when I used to sneak off to the attic all the time to skip class?" He asks, but Jimin just pouts and furrows his eyebrows.

There's a crash outside the door, the two friends look out and see a student being pinned against a locker by two of the rogue creatures. Screaming bloody murder and soon collapsing on the ground, the creatures like leeches on her ruined body.

Jimin panics, "Hoseok-" the older wastes no time in building a makeshift booster to help them up to the ceiling, where the entry to the school's attic awaits. Hoseok pushes and slides the board to the left, he surveys the dusty, wreck-filled area before hoisting himself up and reaching out his arm to Jimin for him to grab onto.

Jimin reaches for his arm, "Jimin!" but something stops him. No, someone. He turns around to meet the gorgeous senior before him. His blonde, beach wave hair sticking to his head from sweat, his torn school shirt revealing his perfectly sculptured collarbone. Blood on his school collar, unknown to be his or another's. The boy (other than BamBam) that gives Jimin butterflies even from a simple thought of his existence.


"M-Mark! Are you okay?" Jimin's worried expression is brushed off by Mark, "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Where ya going, Min?"  Mark's attitude goes right over Jimin's head, the boy too head over heels for the blonde.

"I-I, uh, I'm going up here." Jimin looks up at the opened space in reference, Hoseok's hand still held out for the younger to grab onto. "Mark, fuck off. Jimin, we've gotta go."

"Now there's no need to be rude, Hoseok. Why don't you let me hide out with you?" Mark says through clenched teeth. Every word he speaks only pisses the red head off even more, he snaps at Mark.

"Oh fuck off, you'd use us as a human shield any chance you'd get since you're so selfish."

"Hyung!" Jimin yells in disbelief, surprised at the comment he made.

"Jimin, I'm sorry, but he's not coming up here. Now come on, we need to move." Hoseok reaches and grabs Jimin's arm, already starting to pull him up. "H-Hobi, wait!""

"Hey! You're not leaving me here!" Mark grabs onto Jimin's left arm to pull him behind so he can excel before him, leaving Jimin to play the rope in a game of tug-o-war. Jimin desperately tries to rid Mark's grip on his arm, the friction becoming painful as Mark continues to pull him from his stance.

As Jimin looks up, his eyes widen as one of those things grabs onto Mark and bites a chunk into his shoulder. Mark screams and locks his hand onto Jimin's arm, like a dog with lock-jaw.

"H-Hyung! Help me!" Jimin cries, on the brink of tears as he watches the grip on his arm tighten hard enough to leave bruises. Jimin doesn't know how Mark could still be holding on but he starts to fear for his life. Hoseok starts to pull Jimin up, but realised that he's not moving an inch from his spot.

"Jimin, find something to hit him with, quick!" Hoseok urges, Jimin looks back to Hoseok in shock. "Hyung, I'd have to let go to do that." Jimin looks down to the ground. If he lets go of Hoseok, he'll be flung into Mark and that thing and get eaten too, he can't risk it.

"Jimin, I..." Hoseok pauses, scared for the younger to hear his idea. "You what??"

"I-I've gotta let you go."

Jimin pleads, "Hyung no, please! Don't l-leave me, I need you!"

"Jimin it's ok. You'll be fine, I promise." How Hoseok could be so calm and unnerved about this bewilders Jimin, scaring him a little.

"H-Hoseok, please! D-Don't do thi-AH!"

Hoseok lets go.

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