Chapter 1

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Peter Parker was many things. He was a friend, a genius, a nephew and of course Spiderman. What he was not was a patient person. Currently, he was standing in line at Joe’s Coffee, praying that the gaggle of blonde socialites in front of him would get off their damn phones and pay attention to the barista. However, at the moment they were currently talking very loudly amongst themselves and completely ignoring the fact that there were other people in line that had somewhere to be.

Also, there was the fact that Spiderman had been up for most of the night chasing down AIM agents that were attempting to steal a boat load of chemicals that could have been used for a variety nefarious doings. He chased them across half the city before agents of Panoply, another black ops government funded superhero team, had assisted him in their capture. That was the primary reason he needed coffee.

“Oh come on!” Peter said, checking his phone again.

If things didn’t get a move on he was going to be late for school. Again. It was a prospect that made Peter slightly nervous. His nights of being Spiderman had, on occasion, made him late for anything during the waking hours. It was barely tolerated at Midtown High and strictly frowned on when he transferred to Horizon High. So far, Peter had managed to talk his way out of most of his abscenes, although Max wasn’t stupid.

“You’re going to be late again Pete.”

Peter whipped his head around to see his best friend, Harry Osborne standing there with a grin on his face. The other teen was slightly taller than Peter, with wavy dark hair, deep brown eyes, and lean build.

“I know that!” Peter hissed. “Wait? What are you doing here?”

Harry frowned. “Getting coffee.”

Peter rolled his eyes. “I know that, I meant aren’t you going to be late for school too?”

*Then again, he is the son of the school’s founder*, Peter reminded himself.

Harry only smirked. “We start a half hour later than you do Pete, I have plenty of time. You, on the other hand really, really don’t. Well, you would if you came to the Osborne Academy.”

Peter looked at his watch again, finally throwing his arms up in annoyance. “Arrgghh! Seriously people!”

“Calm down Pete,” said Harry, although he was unable to keep the smile off his face. “Busy later?”

Peter cocked his head to the side, mentally running through his mental calendar. There were a few projects at school that he needed to complete, although none that were really that pressing. And if Peter was honest with himself, he was well aware that he could probably whip them out in no time flat. Miles would be on patrol tonight and barring any sort of horrible Avengers level incident. And it had been a while since he and Harry hung out on their own.

“Not really,” Peter said, with a shrug. He stepped out of line and sighed heavily before turning back to his friend. “What’s up? Got something interesting planned?”

Harry shook his head. “Not really but why don’t I come by after school. We can hang out, catch up… maybe you could tell me about some of those dangerous experiments you and Max are doing at Horizon.”

Peter quirked an eyebrow at his friend. “Harry, I think we’ve been over this.”

Harry shrugged. “Hey, you can’t blame me for trying. I’ll see you later. I’d hurry it up Pete, unless you can sprint across the city in like ten minutes.”

“Oh crap!” Peter yelped. “I’ll see you later Harry!”

And with that, Peter bolted out of the coffee shop and down the street. He ducked into a side street, made sure that no one was looking, and pulled out his web shooters. Fastening them on his wrists he took to the sky, hoping that he was able to get to school before the bell.

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