Chapter 3

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“Thanks for your help Spiderman.”

Peter narrowed his eyes, which of course no one could have known he was doing given the fact that his face was entirely covered. The man talking was Seraph, the same teenage superhero with metallic wings that worked with him three weeks ago to apprehend another batch of AIM agents.

At the moment, they were sitting on the top of a building, the AIM agents wrapped in a combination of webbing and high tension cable. Peter had tracked them through the night to a biological laboratory downtown only to find that Panoply and specifically, Seraph was there waiting. Why AIM kept coming back for the same chemicals, well Peter had no idea. He put in a call to Ironman aka Tony Stark but so far the Avenger had failed to respond.

“I should point out that you helped me,” Peter stated. “I mean I did track them here.”

“I was waiting here,” Seraph replied.

Peter sensed a smirk underneath the helmet with the T shaped visor. Seraph’s pristine white metallic wings were folded down against his back, their color in stark contrast to the drek grey and black of Seraph’s combat armor.

“Anyways, I need to be going,” Seraph responded, as his wings popped out. “See you around webhead.”

“Hey!” Peter called as Seraph lifted off. “Don’t call me that!”

Of course, Seraph couldn’t hear him. He was already high in the air, banking away towards parts unknown. Peter shook his head and leapt off the rooftop, shooting out a string of webs. He readjusted his webs and flipped up onto the top of a nearby water tower.

“You didn’t call… again.”

“Ahhhh!” Peter yelped. “Why in the heck did my spidey sense not warn me about you?”

“Apparently I’m not a threat,” Miles replied, landing in a crouch next to the other teen. “But you’re getting away from the fact that you never actually answered my question. Why didn’t you call me?”

“You were uptown!” Peter snapped. “And I had the situation under control.”

“One of these days you are going to have to learn to trust me,” Miles shot back. “I’m here to help you, at least that’s what I thought I was here to do. Anyway, I wanted to say thank you for that advice you gave me a few weeks ago.”

Peter blushed again under his mask. “Um, yeah no worries. Glad it worked out for you.”

“Anyways, I’m going to hit up the west side again,” Miles said, letting a web fly. “But remember Parker, I’m here to help.”

Peter gave the other Spiderman a friendly wave and then jumped off the rooftop as well. There was something so liberating about plunging through the air in a freefall, letting the wind whip past. He stretched out an arm and shot a web forth, allowing him to swing up and onto a nearby flagpole. He knew that Miles was right. He was supposed to trust him, they were friends… Peter was teaching him everything that he knew about being a superhero. Which, admittedly wasn’t much.

His phone started buzzing, he pulled it out of his pocket. “Hello?”

“Hey Pete,” Harry answered. “Jesus where the hell are you, it sounds windy as well.”

“Oh, just out taking a walk,” Pete answered. “What’s up?”

“Are you busy tonight?” Harry asked.

“Um, tonight?”

“Yeah, tonight. As in the time of day the follows this morning, and then this afternoon… you know for a genius you ask some pretty stupid questions sometimes.”

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