Chapter 2

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Peter was still more than a little weirded out by the conversation that he had with Miles. Actually, he was weirded out that he was werided out… if that was even a thing. Was that a thing? Again, Peter shook his head. He was not the kind of guy to worry about things like that. In his short time as a hero, he had seen things that were much stranger than wondering about what another guy was packing. After all, wasn’t there a psychology scale or something that explained that not everyone was straight or gay? A continuum or something?

Well, it wasn’t as if Peter had a lot of experience when it came to the romance department. He was only fifteen years old and thus far hadn’t even had his first kiss. That actually brought a wince to the young man’s face. Did that make him some sort of loser? Had Harry made out with a girl yet? Had Miles? It was common knowledge that Flash was no longer a virgin, at least if you were to believe all the stories that circulated around the locker-room about him.

Wait, was Harry still a virgin? Was Miles? Was he the only virgin left among his friends? Peter was so lost in his inner monologue that had it not been for his spidey sense he would have walked head first into a pole. He skidded to a stop just in time, although not fast enough to avoid snickering from several college age kids that walked by.

Peter hunched his shoulders even more and continued on his way, trying to push all those thoughts out of his head. He was Spiderman, a superhero, he shouldn’t be worrying about this. Hell, he shouldn’t have even been concerned with the size of his friend’s… equipment for lack of a better word. Of course, he was also a hormonal teenager. And hormones were almost as powerful as a radioactive spider bite. Almost.

By the time that he had reached his Aunt May’s house the sky had clouded over and thundered rumbled in the distance. He looked up briefly, just in time to see lightning flash illuminate the darkening sky over the distant skyline. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, heading right to the kitchen to grab a snack.

“Aunt May!” Peter called out. “Are you home?”

There was no answer, instead he headed to the fridge. There, he found a note taped to the outside of it that.

“Going out with the girls after work, behave yourself. There is pizza in the fridge,” Peter read from the note. “Oh Aunt May, you have a cell phone that is more than capable of texting.”

Peter dropped his backpack on the table and then headed upstairs to his room to change. A text from Harry confirmed that he would be there in about twenty minutes and he was bringing soda and burritos. Peter responded with every emoji that he could think of that signified he was pumped for their hang out session. Bounding upstairs, Peter threw the door open to his room.

He started stripping off his clothes to change into something more comfortable. He passed by the full length mirror in his room as he started to undress. After that fateful day, Peter had noticed an instant change in his body. He went from a scrawny to lean and powerful. The change had been so drastic overnight that he woke up the next more and screamed so loud in his room that May nearly came barging through the door.

Peter ran a hand through his tousled brown hair and took a good look in the mirror. He didn’t have as big as muscles as someone like Flash Thompson but he did have defined and muscular pecs. The same went for his abs, which were a nicely outlined six pack, complete with the V shape that lead down into his jeans. There were a small trail of hairs that wound its way around his navel and lead down into his red briefs. He took off the jeans next and tossed them into the open hamper, taking in the sight of his nearly naked body.

If he was honest with himself, he wasn’t that bad looking. Embarrassed that he was even thinking it, although not enough to stop himself, he looked down at the bulge in his own briefs. Peter had seen enough porn to know that not everyone was hung like a horse, in fact far from it. And he didn’t believe those guys that said their dicks were nine inches long either. From a strictly objective point of view Peter knew that his didn’t look huge, although it did fill out the front of his briefs nicely.

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