Chapter 5 (Last Chapter)

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It had been almost three weeks since Peter and Harry's... incident at Peter's house. For the first three days, Peter thought he was going to lose his mind. He was on a rollercoaster of emotions, ranging from anxiety that he ruined his friendship with Harry to curiosity about if Harry would go further. For his part, Harry acted like nothing had ever occurred. They exchanged emails, texts, and phone calls like normal. Neither brought it up but it didn't appear Harry was phased by the whole thing.

Which Peter was supposed was a good sign. He pulled his coat closer as he walked down the street. A chill had worked it's way into the air, unseasonable for this time of year. Peter picked up his pace, dodging his way around several tourists that didn't realize stopping in the middle of the street was a good way to get the natives annoyed. His phone vibrated in his pocket and Peter reached down to pull it out. A text from Harry appeared on the screen.

Harry: So, I was thinking... you busy tonight?

Peter: No, why, what's up?

Harry: Cool, I'm coming over. We need to talk.

Peter: Sure, see you around 3? I need to go into the lab and work on some stuff. Gotta stay ahead of you guys!

Harry: *Rolls eyes* Oh whatever Pete. Laters man.

Peter shook his head and shoved his phone back in his pocket. What did Harry want to talk about? Was Harry finally going to freak out about what happened? Did he want to end their friendship? Peter forced himself to take a deep breath and calm down. If Harry was going to do any of those things, he would have already... right?

By the time that he entered the main student lab at Horizon High, the sky had clouded over and started to dump pouring rain down. Even for science geeks like Peter and Miles, the lab was relatively quiet, save the occasional tap of someone's hands on a touch screen. Peter moved towards a station near the end of the cavernous room only to be stopped by Max, entering through a side door.

"Max, what's up?"

"Peter, I'm glad that you're here," Max said, gesturing towards the door behind him. "We have a new student, come on in Micah."

A guy about his age entered. He was taller than Peter, with broad shoulders, a red faux hawk, an athletic build, and piercing blue eyes. He stood with his hands in his pockets, a stance that Peter had been all to used too for the first 13 years of his life. When he finally looked up, he flashed Peter an amazing smile full of perfectly white teeth.

"Um, hi I'm Micah."

"Peter," he said, extending his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"He's a transfer from Iowa," Max said. "Make him feel at home."

"Sure, no problem," Peter said. "Um, I wasn't planning on staying long though. I just wanted to check up on the Cyrus Project."

"Don't worry," Micah said, with a shrug. "I understand how important projects are, um can I ask what Project Cyrus is?"

"Eh it's an advanced class project," Peter said. "I'm not sure that my teammates would approve of me telling you without talking to them first."

Micah held up his hands. "Don't worry, I get it."

"Cool," Peter nodded. "Well, I can give you a tour real quick."

"That would be amazing."

Peter took Micah and started them towards the lab, explaining as they walked. Micah was quiet, although asked a ton of questions that Peter was more than happy to answer. He was thoughtful and kind... also a lot more intelligent than Peter thought someone from Iowa could be. Which, Peter knew was completely stereotypical and probably not at all true... as Micah was now demonstrating. They walked and talked for close to an hour, eventually though, Micah received a phone call and quickly dismissed himself from the tour.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2018 ⏰

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