When We Met Again

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It's been 10 years since Bellatrex has seen people from her Catholic Grade School. Back then she was all about making her classmates feel bad for being younger than her by being a loud mouth, trash talking, and all out crazy bitch. She was arrogant, dumb, tomboy and full of shit. Not to mention she looked so generic, fat, with dirty blond pixie hair, but her green eyes were her best feature. She only had one friend the whole time she was there and she had to share her with her mortal enemy (or so it seemed), Kelsey.

Due to her past, Bellatrex was nervous. She has changed a lot though. She wasn't the fat girl with the tomboy, loud mouth attitude. She was more reserved, she just got into Graduate school for her PhD in Clinical Psychology. Once she went to college she got really big into the gym which gave her the perfect ideal slim thick body every girl dreams of. Not to mention her dirty blond pixie hair has grown out to be dyed dark red. Even after all her modifications she still felt like she would not belong at the reunion.

Bellatrex sat in her new blood red Buick Enclave her parents bought her for getting into PhD program at The Ohio State University. She checked her mirror again her hair was still not frizzy, makeup not smugged, and even though she didn't eat before the party she checked her teeth for food.

Walking into St. Jerome's old gymnasium she felt alittle at home. The familiarity and memories were right there in her face. She looked around the room and the walls were still green, the bleachers still sliver, doors still white, and of course the trophie case still needed dusted. For the gym not being used in ten years nothing really seemed different. The home of the Jets did not changed at all.

A friendly voice acrossed the room brought her out of her reminiscence. " No fucking way is that my Thot, little Trexie".

Bellatrex focused and saw her dear college friend Abe running at her across the gym. She called "Hey Abe" with a girly way before running to meet him as well.

When they met he picked her up off the floor and spun her around. Once she was set back down, she kissed his cheek like almost a year hasn't passed since she saw him last. "Damn girl, I forgot you came here, but I'm so fucking pumped to have a real friend here instead of just talking to Kelsey's friends like I care about them", he told her. She let out a flirtatious laugh even though she had really no interest in Abe at all.

"Babe, I totally get it I haven't seen most of these people in 10 years, except at church, cause some of us still go to this parish", she replied.

"You look amazing, like you were banging in college but like college girl pretty. Now your sophisticated and boss bitch sexy" Abe said looking at her head to toe, while spinning her so he could see all her curves.

Rex caught Kelsey giving her the most trying evil eye, but Rex was not shocked it's been happening since 20 years ago when Christine choose to go to her party over Kelsey's. Plus, Bellatrex could not blame Abe she was wearing a red dress that made her ass pop way more because it was a size too small for it. The top of the dress had tight black lace over the cleavage which made her breasts pop out even more.

"You still go to night classes", she asked him.

"Yeah, but for my masters in the fall", he replied.

"Hey, me too, but it's for my PhD", she responded.

"Oh really, damn girl you really have it all don't you", he answered.

"Except a boyfriend, but who needs that when your going to Ohio State right", she joked.

"We could have been together", he insisted.

"We both know we have nothing incommon, but sex", she countered.

"Touche, but it would have been good sex", he teased.

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