Love in the Office

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"I can't believe you voted for that", he yelled.

"It's not my fault the president is a fraud", she insinuates.

"Your an idiot if you believe that", he responds.

"Name calling really, I thought we were to to leave each other out of this", she cries.

"I'm sorry, it's just since we taken these jobs I feel like your against me", he replies.

"We can't let them tear us apart, we gotta remember what we fighting for", she breathes.

"Freedom, love, strengthen, and healthy booties", he says while grabbing hers.

Their eyes connect for the first time since she stormed into his office.

Isaac leans in and kisses her soft plump lips without considering any of the consquences. It caught Ruth off guard, since he was the one who said at work they were to act professional. Everyone in the office knew Sentator Republican Heilburg from Cleveland Ohio and Democrat Representative Ruth Klaude from the 9th district of Ohio  were engaged.


They were supposed to be Married by now but Rep. Klaude won the election that she didn't even try to win. It was a dare by Heilburg friends and well she won. Right now she thinks she should be living the dutiful wife life in her townhouse pregnant with their first child. Oh, how she wanted that life. Not to Mention Isaac wanted to give It to her. That's been their dream since they randomly met in a hair dressers in Cleveland.

Isaac was there with his disabled mom making sure she got the hair style she needed. It was totally a romantic way to meet anyone really. She just got her haircut by her friend and they were just eating lunch until her next appointment, who was Isaac mom. When they came in the were discussing how their families were. Ruth's parents hate her short hair. Isaac came in and Nisha asked him if he would date a girl with short hair. Isaac said of course your body is to be an expression of your personality and no one can tell you what to do with it.

After spending time talking in that hair salon he asked for her number which Ruth was more excited than she wanted to admit. However, Nisha would tell anyone that Isaac and Ruth were in love at first sight.


Isaac tries to pull away like he just figured out that what he did was against his personal rules. Ruth didn't care though she grabbed Isaac's tie and pulled him in for another kiss. Isaac cuffed her face in his hands like he didn't care about his rules anymore. His fingers ran through her hair and she loved it. It was ironic bc his hair was just a little bit shorter than hers so sometimes she liked to do it back to him.

Their lips became unlocked and he kissed her jawline up to her ear, which drove her crazy. She felt a shiver go down her spine. That's when Isaac whispered, "you wore my favorite dress to the office today, we promised not to tease each other here."

"Well, then you should never come to work in a suite you know how horny that makes me" she teases back.

"All I know is I want you right now", he says breathlessly.

"What if people hear us", she replies.

"We are engaged, so let them, plus it's after 6pm so they should have went home by now", he states.

Before their little argument she came by to bring him dinner since he told her he needed to do Paper work before coming home. That means he would stay late and she knew that getting his attention away from work was hard so this was something he wanted, No needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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