Chapter Ten: Part Two

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The moment she stepped through the door, Gwen gasped. She slid her gaze from left to right, taking in the vast sea of green that stretched out in all directions, seemingly without end. When she'd been told she was going to meet Apollo in his quarters, this wasn't what she had expected.

If she was honest with herself, she wasn't sure what she had expected, but a neatly-kept garden bordered by wild meadow hadn't entered her thoughts. Where there weren't row upon row of trees and flowers, there were ponds; those farthest on the right complete with streams that trickled down rocky slopes, creating miniature waterfalls that plummeted into the crystal clear waters below. Each one was filled with fish in hues of orange, red, and silver, their scales catching the light and rippling across the water's surface.

At the sound of someone clearing their throat, Gwen looked up, surprised to see Phenex frowning back at her. In studying the surrounding plant life, she'd nearly forgotten her escort. Cheeks burning, she stepped all the way into the room, allowing the door to swing shut behind her, effectively cutting the garden off from the rest of the Spectrum without so much as a click.

Not a word was spoken as Gwen followed Phenex along the smooth obsidian path, the sounds of rushing water and the rustling of leaves high above lulling her into a sense of calm, despite the knot forming in the pit of her stomach. Regardless of Forneus's assurances, she was still more than a little nervous at the prospect of meeting a god. What would she say to him when they met? Would she even be able to speak in his presence, or would she wind up reacting as she had when Forneus had shown up in her kitchen? Even worse—what if she did find her voice, and said the wrong thing completely?

What if I offend him? She could feel the panic welling up inside of her all over again, forcing her to stop dead in her tracks, her breaths coming in laboured gasps. She remembered a handful of the stories surrounding Apollo in the old Greek legends, and while some of them probably weren't true, not knowing for certain what was or wasn't fact didn't make the situation any easier.

Forneus claimed he was one of the most benevolent gods he knew, and while she didn't doubt he had meant it, that didn't mean Apollo wasn't capable of brutality. It could just as easily mean that there were others far more savage.

"Hey! Are you coming, or what?"

Startled, she looked up to see Phenex frowning back at her yet again, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

Nodding, she closed the distance between them, and with a final backward glance at the entrance, followed him toward the large gazebo located at the centre of the garden.

The strong scent of pine surrounded her the moment she was beneath the awning, intermingling with the sweetness of the blossoming laurel trees standing on either side of the gazebo's lattice enclosure. In the centre of the wooden deck was a circular glass table with matching wrought iron chairs in black.

Gwen took an uncertain step forward, wincing when the floorboards creaked. When Phenex silently motioned for her to sit, she did as instructed, pulling a chair out from the table and settling into it gingerly, hands folded in her lap. Several minutes passed with neither of them saying a word, the silence punctuated by the occasional whisper of clothing whenever she tried to shift into a more comfortable position.

Gwen was just beginning to wonder why they hadn't seen or heard from Apollo yet, when there came a brilliant flash from the opposite end of the table, so sudden that she recoiled with a frightened yelp, nearly upsetting her chair in the process. If not for Phenex standing directly behind her, she likely would have tumbled over backward, bruising more than her ego.

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