Family Visits

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1 Week Later, Jacks POV:

Mom drove the four of us into base, Arcee and Bee having gone on a recon mission. We'd asked the three if they needed to return home and as it turned out, they were usually gone this long. Since it was spring break Percy and Annabeth were free and Grover was a satyr. So in other words we were stuck with them.

Mom parked her new car in the base and the four of us exited to see Ratchet and Bulkhead in base. The two barely acknowledged our presence, typical given how things had been going lately. Since we'd lost Optimus things in base had become very morbid and silent.

"It wouldn't kill them to say hello," Solus commented. She and Vector seemed to be the most common Primes in my head. Since Liege and Prima left I'd had them in my head pretty much the entire time.

"Solus, what have we talked about?" Vector scolded. Luckily for me, Solus seemed to not be quiet as irritating as before. That either meant she was acting less bubbly, or I was growing used to it. I'm not sure which was scarier.

Solus sighed "I know brother I know still, it wouldn't kill them to say hello," she mumbled.

"Will you two knock it off!" I ordered. I wasn't particularly in the mood for their bickering.

"What crawled up your tail pipe and died?" Solus asked as the others and I climbed up to our usual spot.

Miko and Raf were watching something on the new TV since I accidently destroyed the old one a week back. Fowler was standing in front of a group of terminals likely helping Ratchet look for the space bridge. So far we had had no luck finding it, but it was only a matter of time.

"Any luck?" Percy asked as he and the others took their spots by the couch. I sat against the railing behind them, lightly holding the key to Vector Sigma. Every time I touched it, it would glow from my touch. Probably got to do with my heritage.

"Or the fact that you are a Prime," Solus pointed out.

I sighed "We've been over this Solus, just because Primus is my father it doesn't make me Prime material," I thought.

"No its your many other qualities that make you a Prime," Vector argued "You put others safety above yours, you care for their well being, take responsibility for your action, and have taken charge when the situation calls for it," he explained.

"I just do what anyone else would do," I replied. This had been a point we argued over constantly and it always devolved into the same conversation.

"No, others would not do what you do in the situations you've been point in Brother," Vector started.

"Oh let our baby brother pout Vector, he's just as stubborn as Prima, you won't get through to him," Solus said.

"Gee thanks Solus," I muttered to myself. Everyone knew the thirteen were talking to me, but I preferred keeping my outbursts at them to myself. It had to look a little funny when I started yelling at the air to shut up.

"Jack," Ratchet called "I need you for a moment," he said.

I stood up and looked at the medic "What do you need Ratchet?" I asked approaching him.

"I need you to assume your Cybertronian form so I can take proper measurements," he stated.

I looked at him curiously "Measurements for what?" I asked.

"Armor for when you go to Cybertron. Your Protoform seems to have already developed some light armor, but it will provide little protection on what's left of our home world," he explained.

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