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Before I start this, I needed to put this here; this story is based on me. My life. My experiences. My friends. My relationships. My transition. Every single thing that happens in this story is an exact recount of what happened with me. I guess you could say this isn't fictional. But I dunno. I am getting better and I'm using this as a coping mechanism - creativity over pain type thing.

'I don't have the heart to match the one pricked into your finger'

TRIGGERS: dysphoria, bodychecking.

Dan's POV
'Fuck' I mutter under my breath; I had hit snooze on my alarm too many times and now my mother is banging at my door, 'Eliza! School time!'
I flinch slightly at the name. Oh well. It's not like she knows. I get up and stretch my arms above my head.

Standing at the mirror, I look at myself; shoulder length brown hair, fat hips, fat thighs, large chest. I sigh and pull my pyjama shirt over my head, still looking in the mirror. At the sight of my body, I inhale sharply. I turn so that my side is facing the mirror, tracing my ribs with my fingers. I turn back so my front is facing the mirror. I put my hands on my hips and let them travel upwards. Disgusting. I kick my trousers off and look back at the mirror, wrapping my hands around my upper thigh. Vile. I pinch my inner thigh. Repulsive.

Repulsive. I hate that word. I hate hearing it and I hate thinking it. I shiver slightly and grab my ace bandages from my sock drawer. I wrap them tightly around my chest, wincing at the pain. I breathe in as deeply as I can and exhale slowly, my heart pounding at the lack of oxygen I'm providing it.

I get dressed, tuck my hair under my beanie, yell out 'bye mum! Bye Colin!' And walk out the door. Earphones in and music playing, I make my way to school.

'Have I forgotten anything? Probably. Oh well.'

I reach the school gates and sigh as I walk in. Just as the bell goes, a cheerful face pops up infront of me

'Sup Dan!'

'Oh hey Peej,' I laugh, 'You're not late!' I remark, a hint of surprise in my voice.

'Nope! Not today! Today I'm gonna do it!' PJ grins, flinging his arms into the air. I laugh and shake my head; PJ has had a crush on one of our classmates for over a year now, and for the past four months, he's been considering him out.

Meh? Bleh?
Does anyone like it so far? Idk

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