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Fresh wind blows through all the realms, as he look up the sky observing the beauty as well the ugliness of the mortal world. "Humans as usual continued to be ignorant insolent beings doing their madness, not realizing, or rather realizing and still doing things which will bring their end." he murmured, spite in his words. 

Taking out a goblet filled with blood water, he takes a closer look at mayhem on the mortal lands. Taking a deep breath in converting him into a water drop which mixed with the blood red water. 

Instantly he transported to the mortal world, in midst of the screams and blood trails, he looked around at the suffering of mortals, his mother's words floated in his mind "They brought this upon themselves." Stumbling a bit from the push of a running man, his gaze followed the trail going to a darkened alley way. 

Where every human being ran and cried for their lives, a single life stayed still in that alleyway. Her lifeless eyes stared at the dead corpse of what appears to be her mother, but the stranger didn't knew. He pondered, in curiosity why the child didn't run like others or attest morn for the dead one like some he saw just now. No, rather she was still, no movement, if he couldn't listen to her heart steadily beating, he too like anyone else would've declared her dead. 

His curiosity got the best of him, when ventured into the filthy alleyway only to look down at the child, who made no attempts to notice him. It was as if her soul had already departed to the land of dead while her body remained alive. Using his fan to poke the child, he tried his best to bring her attention to him at the same time not get filth on his hands.

With a zombie like movement, she turned her head to look at the strange man, he wore cloth like no one else in this modern world. Slowly she observed him, taking in his appearance as she looked up his length. Her crackled lips moved only for the words to escape, "We have nothing else to give, please leave us alone."

Startled by the once he thought mute girl, he stumbled backwards, an embarrassment took over his feature as he wondered why he had assumed her mute. Clearing his throat, he made a rare conversation with a mortal, "Aren't you gonna run? The tsunami will kill you too."

Sure he was the god of his kingdom, but except for the mortals under him, he had never converse with any mortal before. And that too consisted a relation of authority and higher status. They respected him as they cowered in fear in his presence, but this little one talked to him as if he was nothing, but in her tone he didn't feel disrespect rather disinterest.

A chuckle pulled him out of his thoughts, with surprise he looked at the tiny source of it.  "what was so funny?" he thought. "People are dangerous than tsunami mister. You should hide like me too..,cause that" she pointed towards the angry waves which seem to reach the sky, "is protecting us."

Her words amazed him, it was something which was so unique to be heard from a human. At that moment, when the killer waves were only inches away from engulfing them,  he knew something was special about this child. In a second he took the once considered dirty child in his embrace and they teleport to a different location all together. 

In awe the child looked around, pondering what just happened. Two seconds ago she had thought her life was gonna end and she will join the woman who took care of her when her own abandoned her. But now she was standing among the hills, with greenery surrounding them, no sign of the killer ocean anywhere. 

She looked at the man, the mysterious man who saved her. Curiosity beaming from her eyes, maybe if they were real beams they could've burned a hole through his head. 

Getting down on his knee, he came face to face with the girl, "What is your name child?"

She thought for a minute, then shook her head " I don't know mister."

Flashing her a smile he thought something before saying, "Feng, how about that."

Instantly a bright color of flush covered her features, happiness blooming in her heart as finally she had an identity of her own, a name which was only hers, "I like it..a lot!"

"I'm glad..come here child."

Carefully she walked towards him, still no fear visible, as he enchanted something in a language she couldn't understand. After the enchantment a glowing warm light covered her, lifting her a bit. 

  For now she is the child of fire, Feng Huang 

As a Phoenix she is reborn   

She will be the protector of paradise   

  And even slay it,    

 If it were to ever fall, on her burning spirit. 

A scream yelped from her lips as she felt a burning sensation from the spot between her chest, where her heart resided. The illuminating light which covered her body was absorbed right where she felt a burning sensation, marking a glowing phoenix there. 

Her tiny body which floated fell down with a thud. Slowly she got up on her feet, wondering how she got here, remembering no memory of the strange encounter which changed the whole course of her destiny. 


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