TrUsT aNd BeTrAyAl

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Months have passed since the incident where Feng met her now best friend Yukimura aka Yuki. Yuki, she learned was a boy with feminine features hence he had always been a target for bad people. Her heroism soon was on the lips of every student in the university, making Feng climb the ladder of popularity easily. Not that Feng ever had any interest in any of it, she was pretty, she was smart yet she didn't have an arrogant pride about it. People flocked around her all the time but she was the peace prefer-er, so whenever she wanted some alone time she would slip in her favorite place, library. 

Most people would leave her alone when she said where she was headed, giving her the alone time she so desired for. Not that she hated the people surrounding her, it was good for a change to be around people which was a rarity in her village, but she also knew that most of them had ulterior motives hidden be hide their smiles. In the library there was only one person who would disturb her, Yuki. And she loved being disturbed by him, unlike others Yuki didn't nudge Feng on doing things she didn't want to do, he was like her, he understood her need for privacy and so whenever they were together rather than talking they enjoyed each others silence. Silence that consisted of many words. 

Obviously Feng's gaining popularity wasn't taken nicely by some people, people named Min Ra. She hated the fact that this new village girl, had suddenly come from no where and taken over her empire which she had worked so hard to build. It wasn't that she didn't try to dupe Feng, but Feng who outwitted her every accept would in turn dupe her. Her rage was day by day increasing and she needed someone to take it out on. 

On one faithful day she saw her punching bag, Yukimura, walking alone. His guardian angel Feng was not with him and this was a perfect opportunity to take revenge. She knew Yukimura though seemed fragile on outside was pretty weird in the head. She had known him since elementary grade, his father being the footman of her Dad, she knew the financial conditions he lived in and his constant need for monetary support. Although she wanted vengeance, she knew that Feng would easily beat her in anything so she decided that her medium of vengeance would be her trusted, Yukimura.

Grabbing the carefree boy, she and her gang dragged him to there secret hiding spot. Muffled screams echoed through the desolated pathway, at the end someone from the group couldn't take the protest and decided to make him sleep by of course hitting him on his head. 

Inside the hideout, Min Ra paced back and forth, waiting for the boy to wake up. She knew he was alive, yet she cursed her minion for his stupidity. One of her followers suddenly came inside the room, bringing her attention to the scroll that Yuki carried with him. 


The sacrifice to the gods will bring prosperity and grant every wish of the human who sacrificed the slave to the great gods. 

For the wish to be granted, the sacrifice must be of equal value.

If he/she fails to do said above then punishment shall be bestowed on both/ all of them.

The sacrifice made to a respective god shall be made by submerging the said sacrifice in respecting element of particular god, i.e, water, air, earth or fire. 

He who rules all shall accept the sacrifice that went through all the trails. 

If your prayers are acceptable then the sacrifice shall be accepted and wish granted. If not the sacrifice shall die.


At first they hushed it away as a mere occult bullshit that Yukimura the weirdo was into, but then the light bulb of idea turned on in their head. If Yuki believed into this all, surely if they were to pull some strings. With that in mind they threw the unconscious boy out, where they found him. 

The next day Yuki woke up with a headache, yesterday he found himself fallen on the pathway to his dorm. Although he didn't know what happened but he had a bad feeling about it. Just as he was about to drag his aching body out of the bed, the dam of hell broke down. 

One after another, he got bad news after bad news, his father was fired, his fees were due, his family was suddenly in deep debt trap, his mother fainted due to the sudden shock, his sisters engagement broke.......everything around the poor boy was falling apart. In a mere hour, everything he had build was breaking apart. He was crying, he was thrashing around, he was lost, he didn't knew what to do anymore. But he knew one thing that only one person had the capability to do such horrendous act in such short time,    Min Ra.

Grabbing whatever weapon he could find, he ran a marathon towards his sole enemy. When he saw the whole group assembled never their secret spot, he saw them laughing, jolly, enjoying there lives, everything that they took away from him. He was scared but he confronted them with all the bravery he could muster, anyway everything he had was lost and he had nothing to lose. 

"You assholes!" He charged towards them with his hockey stick clenched in his hands. 

Surprisingly, people who had nothing to lose, nothing to fear made them ten times stronger. The feminine boy who at one time couldn't even look them in eye, had fire in those same scared eyes. He managed to take most of them out, Min Ra was surprised by the sudden change in him. She had thought he would come begging on his knees, licking her shoes to return everything back to normal but contrary to that he had come as a fierce warrior, she had to do something or it would be hard for her to see tomorrows sun. 

"Stop Yukimura!" She screamed, but to her avail, the rage filled boy was not in mood to listen to anyone as he punched one of her minion, at that moment she thought that the boy didn't look like a boy anymore, he looked the most manliest man ever. Shaking her head she snapped out of her thoughts, "I can return everything back to normal!" 

He stopped, slowly glaring at the bitch, which weirdly send butterflies down her stomach. What was happening she thought to herself. Gulping she looked at him, for the first time in her life she was scared, scared of the same boy- no man she had bullied for her entire life. 

"How" he roared in a deep voice which didn't seem to belong to him. 

"By Feng." 


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