Chapter 1

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Dakota POV
I wake up feeling tired as hell. I grabe my phone from my bedside table and look at the time ... Ughh! 5.43 am.
Now I know why I'm still so tired. After putting my phone back on my bedside table I try to sleep a little bit more. What I fail. Since I can not sleep I decide to go to the kitchen and make breakfast. Tomorrow we will shoot the first scene on set. I'm very excited because when Jamie and I first met 3 weeks ago, and greeted each other I felt a magical chemistry between us. I wonder if he felt it too? Dakota Mayi Johnson! What are you talking about?! He definitely do not felt it because he was not showing any kind of Emotion or he is a really good Actor.
Besides I'm with Matt and he is married and I love Matt or so I think Ughh you know It's a little complicated.
When I finished my breakfast I hear my phone ringing in my bedroom.
I go to my bedroom and reach for my phone
I sigh and answer the phone
„Hey Matt."
„Hey Coqui, I was wondering if I can come over and we could spend a day together you know work things out I apologize for overreacting but you know I love you so much and I don't wonna to lose you."
Yesterday we had I little fight because I told Matt that my Co-Star is Jamie Dornan and he know how he looks like so he is a little afraid that I will leave him for Jamie. I told him that I love only him and besides that Jamie is married.
„It's okay Matt, but please don't worry about that and besides that I will film a lot of intimate scenes with Jamie and you are freaking out just when you see him? You have to trust me."
„Yes, I know Coqiu, I'm sorry so can I come over?"
„Of corse."
„Great see you in 10 minutes."
„See you."
After spending a beautiful day with Matt things are finally back to normal or so I thought.

Jamie POV
Tomorrow Dakota and I will filming the first scenes I must say that when I first met her and we shaked our hands I could feel a magical chemistry between us but I did not care I think that was just because we first met.
After I packed all my stuff together I said goodbye to Amelia (my Girlfriend) and drive to the airport with a taxi. I will miss Belfast but I have to be on set for the movie.
After I check in I felt asleep in my seet dreaming about beautiful big blue eyes. I woke up bye in relief what the hell did I was just dreaming about Dakota? Whatever it was just a dream. I look out of the plane and see that we are almost there.

I drive with the taxi to my trailer and the first thing I do is texting Amelia that I arived save.

Just arrived and already missing you tomorrow we will be filming the first scenes so I'll probably be reachable after filming. I love you. Xoxo Jamie

After just a few minutes I get an answer which is kind of weird because shouldn't she be sleeping now? Whatever.

I miss you too, I'm happy that you arrived safe. Maybe I will visit you next week if you don't mind ;) I Love you. Xoxo Amelia

I read her answer and feel asleep with a smile on my face dreaming again about big blue eyes.

Sooooo guys here it is the first chapter and ? What do you think? Please vote and leave a comment so I know if I should updating.


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