Chapter 4

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One week later.

Dakota POV
It's been one week since I slept with Jamie. We talket the day after and he said that he loves me and that he wants to be with me. He also told me that Amelia always has been seen with some guys in a club kissing or stuff like that. He said that his between them didn't work for about one year and they barely talk to each other.
I'm sitting on my couch in my House in Los Angeles and watching some news on the TV. Jamie called me yesterday and we talked for about 2 hours. He told me he broke up with Amelia and that she didn't even care. He is coming to LA tomorrow and I'm so excited. We've also talked about how much we are missing each other. I think I'm falling for Jamie. He was so kind and perfect that night.
But something tells me that Amelia is planning something. I just have no idea what she could be planning. Suddenly I hear a buzz and it's coming from my phone. I grab it and see I have a new message from Jamie.
„Hey beautiful, looking forward to see you tomorrow. Miss you so much. X Jamie."
I smile at his sweet words and reply immediately.
„Miss you too, hope you're all right?"
„Yeah everything fine I just miss you so much I haven't seen you for one week and I hate it."
„We can FaceTime later if you want."
„Sure I'll call you later."
After about 1 hour I decide to go take a hot shower. When I'm finished I grab my phone and make my way to my bedroom. I'm still in a towel when Jamie calls me via FaceTime. I accept the call and I see a very tired but somehow sexy looking Jamie sitting on his desk in his Hotel. (Because Amelia is still in their house.)  „Heyy, how was your day?" I ask smiling at the view. „Exhausting but now better because I see your beautiful face." He answered grinning. I am sitting on my bed with just a towel. „What were you doing all day?" he asks.
„You know I took a bath earlier as you can see." I answered smiling and pointing at my towel. He looks like he wants to say something but he don't. „Like what you see?" I ask while biting my lip on purpose. He inhales sharply and stands up and point at his erection. „I think I already answered your question." He burst out laughing. „Whats so funny?" He asks a little annoyed. I just shake my head and bite my lip. „STOP BITING YOUR LIP JESUS." I immediately stop biting my lip and drop my towel. I touch my naked body and he looks at me with so much desire. „You don't now what I would do when I was there with you in this moment." He says and moans a little while watching me. „Ohh I think you have to wait until tomorrow." He starts rubbing his erection.


Jamie POV
Today I'm going to see Dakota. Finally I miss her so much. Yesterday on FaceTime was pure torture I wanted to touch her so much but I couldn't I wasn't there. But today I can. I smile at the thought. I'm already in my plane to LA. I fall asleep and wake up when we are already in LA. Dakota texted me her address. I'm sitting in the taxi and text Dakota that I'm on my way to her house.

Dakota POV
Jamie texted me that he is on his way to my house. I'm so excited to see him. I took a shower and Jamie don't know about it but Rita is in LA too so she decided to throw a party with the Fifty Shades Cast. So we're going to the Party. I search in my closed for a dress. I want to look as sexy as I can. I decide for a simple black dress but the dress is very short and makes my legs stand out. I wear black shiny high heals. My hair is smooth and free. I apply a little bit of make up and a nude lipstick.
Just as Im ready I hear the doorbell so I make my way to the door. I open the door and there he is. My Jamie. He hugs me tightly and kisses me deeply and long. „Missed me?" I ask smiling
„If you only knew." He answered kissing me once more.
„By the way we are going to a party Rita throw up tonight the whole Fifty Shades Cast will be there."
„What? I thought I could have you for myself tonight." He says sulkily
I laugh at him and tell him to get ready.
We are already at the party and I see the whole Fifty Shades Cast. We greet all and sit down at a couch. Eloise wanted to make a picture of Jamie and Me so we agreed.

„The picture is not so bad, I'll send it to you two

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„The picture is not so bad, I'll send it to you two." Eloise says while grinning at us.
All are having fun. Jamie is talking with Luke and Erica and I with Sam, Eloise and Rita.
After a while I have to go to the restroom. I excuse me and go to the restroom.
I hear Rita and Eloise laughing and obviously dancing. Yes, I'm in the toilet and I hear them so they must be shouting. I laugh at the thought. When I'm finished I make my way to the dance floor. I feel strong arms wrapping around my waist. It's Jamie. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. We dance a little and suddenly the song Haunted by Beyónce is played.

I decide to make Jamie a little hot. I want to torture him. It's been more than one week. The sing is sexy and slowly, PERFECT to make Jamie hot and torture him.
I turn around so that my butt is bear Jamie's Erection. I swing my hips and press my butt into his erection. I hear him inhale sharply. Perfect. I think to myself. I feel his erection hardening against my butt. I grab his erection through his pants and massage it. He moans quietly. „Dakota if you don't stop this immediately I'll have to show the whole Cast a show." He says while moaning a little. I ignore his words and continue. I press my butt harder against his now hard erection and start going up and down with my butt so I rubb my butt againgst him. „Dakota, stop..." He says. When I don't stop he packs me by the waist and turn my around. He kisses me hard and with so my passion. When he stops he looks in my eyes and says „What are you doing to me." I grin sexy at him and he grabs my wrist and pulls me to the unisex restroom he goes in a cabine and locked the door. He turn around and starts attacking me with his lips and tongue. He pulls his hard erection against me and starts rubbing it against my sex. „Ahh" I moan loudly. He is about to take off my panties when he sees that I don't wear panties. „Oh you dirty little thing." He said while inhale sharply. He takes off his paints and boxers. „Wrap your hands around my neck, baby." He command. I do as I'm told and he picks me up. I can feel his erection against my sex. He starts rubbing it against my wet spot. „Ahhhh Jamie, please." In that moment he thrusts hard into me. „OHHH, Fuckkkk" he moans. I grab his hair and pull at it. He moans even loader. Every thrust is even better. „Jamieeee, FASTER AHHHH PLEASE JAMIE FASTER!!!"
He thrusts faster and harder in me and I feel my orgasm building. „I'm almost there, Jamie" I moan and pull at his hair. „Come one baby give it to me I'm almost there either." Jamie moans out loudly. This is it the words of Jamie are all I need to come. „AHHHHHHHH, OH GODDDDDDD JAMIE." I scream and moan at the same time. He kisses me hard and fast. Just 3 hard and fast thrusts later he also come hard in me. „HOLYYYY FUCKKKKKKKK, JESUS DAKOTAAA." he said while he come inside of me. I'm in his arms for like minutes as he lets me go. „That was what I needed." He said proud. I just kiss him on the lips. „We should go the others probably are wondering where we are." I say. He nods and we make our way to the party. We're back to the others when someone taps my back. I turn around and I can't believe who I see.


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