Chapter 12: Dodgeball

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Roxas always hated how class always dragged on for days, as the teacher repeatedly taught the same thing every day.

Today felt especially slow.

The only class Roxas had any interesting, was PE.

They were suppose to be playing dodgeball that day, so Roxas was eager to get out of all his classes. His usual dark demeanor, lifting a little. Roxas loved dodgeball.

"What's got you in a good mood Rox?" Axel asked suspiciously as he stole some of Roxas' food, which, on any normal day, Roxas would have pushed Axel off the building.

Of course, it wouldn't do anything, since he could disappear into black mist, and reappear back on the roof.

If he ever did reach the ground however, it would heal fast because of his vampire healing.

"He is excited about the dodgeball game in 6th period." Larxene snickered.

"The poor souls." Demyx jokes.

They all laughed together, besides Roxas.

Although, his eyes were glinting with amusement.


Once 6th period finally rolled around, Roxas quickly walked into the locker room, and dressed.

As Roxas was taking off his shirt, he felt a pair of eyes on him. Looking around, he found the deep, bright ocean blue eyes staring at his six pack and chest.

Once Sora saw that he had been caught, flustered, he quickly turned around, trying to pretend that he was dressing.

Snorting, Roxas walked out of the locker room and into the gym.


Once everyone was done changing, Yuffie started to speak."Ok! As most of you already know, we are playing dodgeball! The rules are simple for those who have never played. If the ball hits you, you are out. If someone catches your ball, you are out. The person with the most people left at the end wins. I will be picking the teams."

A chorus of groans made its way around the room.

The red team consisted of Roxas, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Larxene (apparently grades were mixed up during PE), a girl named Naminie, and Demyx.

The blue team had Sora, Kairi, Riku, a boy named Tidus, Wakka, some boy named Ephemer, and a girl, Selphie. The rest of the class stood on the side, rooting for their respective teams.

Each team was allowed 3 balls.

"Ready? Set!" Yuffie blew her whistle as Roxas, Hayner, and Larxene grabbed the three dodgeballs from the middle.

Demyx wasn't really paying attention, and got hit early on in the game. Ironic how he was trained to dodge fast oncoming attacks, but can't dodge a large yellow ball.

Roxas would have to push it in his face later.

Throwing the ball with a reasonable amount of force, Roxas easily hit the boy, Wakka.

"Out!" Yuffie called.

They continued the game, and Olette got out. Roxas was actually surprised she lasted as long as she did.

The next out was Kairi, who was mostly hiding behind Riku half the time. Hayner had thrown a ball at Riku, and when Riku moved to avoid getting hit, Kairi was sacrificed.

After playing for a while, it was now only Hayner, Pence, and Roxas for the red team. The blue team was losing, with only Riku and Sora.

Larxene had thrown a massive fit when Riku had hit her with a ball when she turned her back. Naminie joined her shortly after.

Speaking of Naminie, why did she look so familiar?...

Roxas shook his head. He couldn't get distracted. Throwing a ball, it narrowly missed Riku. Riku shot Roxas a glare.

Most of the aim was on poor Pence. However, it seemed he was good at defence, and blocked most of the balls with his own.

Suddenly, a ball zipped passed Roxas' head

Too close!

Glaring at the silverette, Riku just smirked.

Roxas was about to throw a ball back at him, when he felt something hit his shoulder.

Yuffie blew the whistle. "Out!" She told me.

Roxas froze. What?! He know Riku hadn't hit him. Roxas was staring at him the whole time. That meant...

Turning to face a stunned Sora, Roxas scowled.

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