Gucci bye

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* Shreks point of view *
I cold breeze blows past me. The air is heavy, I feel numb. I see Carl's hot body being placed in a coffin. His eyes lifeless and empty. I will never feel his little ant in me again, never taste his Carl's puncakes. I think back at all the the time we spent together, when we met at the strip club, when he saved me from Fiona, when we had Shrex in my swamp, when we went to azuz (a zoo). But there are no more memories to be made. No more sex toys to try. I look over to see Tana mongoose, Eugenia Cooney, and Bella Thorne all crying. Tana looks like a hoe (as usual). Eugenia looks more dead then Carl. Belle just looks sad and dyslexic. Buts it's over it's all over as they lower the coffin a hole that's deeper than Kim Jong un's pussy hole. It begins to rain as Carl's dead thicc figure is go's deeper in the hole. I feel tears start to build up inside of me as I see Carl go. I cant be here any longer I can't take it, I run away as fast as I can my lament grows within me. Carl is gone, I will never see him again. I..I'm alone. I fall to my knees balling I can't take this it's to much for me to handle Carl was my safe place he was my comfort but now I have no one again. I walk back before they start to bury Carl I say my final goodbye as a single green tear falls from my face.

The end

Carl pops up from is coffin

also I'm pregnant with a baby boy"

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