The birthing

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*Carl's point of view*
Nine months later

I feel my vag hole about to snap as I give out another push. I see the tiny green head stick out of my Pussy. I let out another push as the baby slings out of me. My first thought is I'm a father now as I see my baby boys face for the first time and my second thought was if it was to late to abort. Like seriously this hoe of a baby looks like the Geico gecko grew human legs. I don't understand with Shreks hot af looks and my thicc af body this baby should be a god but instead it look like Buff Frog fucked Ed Sheeran. This baby looks like a monster from one punch man. I thought Bella Thorne was deformed but god this baby is hideous. My body starts to move on its own as I grab a stick of stale meat and begin to my ugly ass baby hoping it's face might get fixed as I hit him one last time I move the meat away to see my baby... is hawt just like his daddies

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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