• Twenty One •

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As the time flies so fast
She didn't notice that she is falling in love with him
That she realize the importance of him having in her life
That no one can replace him in her life.

But she is afraid,
Afraid to continue her love from him
She is afraid to fall from him deeper than that cause she knew that he will never catch her
That she might end up being alone
That she might the one who will suffer the pain.

Despite of being afraid,
She just continue to fall from him every single day
Give all of her love and support from him
Because from her, he is the perfect definition of her world
Even though she knew in the first place that love she gave can't be replace by him.
She just simply called it
one sided love.

- 💔 -

I'm so sorry for the lame update cause my mind can't get over about the concept photos hahaha. I will update soon, I hope that you are enjoying my work thank you very much
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