Jumin & MC : Your Heart

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( Jumin's Route ; Day 6 ; Chatroom ; Jumin ; 18:00 6:00 PM ; 'Father' )

Jumin: To me, women were always unnecessary.

Jumin: If you know anything

Jumin: about what men and women feel towards each other,

Jumin: please explain it to me

Jumin: so that I can understand my father.

MC: I don't think you can understand just because I explain it to you. And there's no set answer... You learn it through your heart.

Jumin: Learn it through your heart...?

Jumin: I see...

Jumin: I find this pathetic.

Jumin: I can't believe I talked about my feelings and my childhood...

Jumin: MC.

Jumin: Even if I sounded

Jumin: pathetic..

Jumin: please don't laugh at me.

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