5.12.2018//Day 1 restart

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Even though I still have the same progress from a few weeks ago I will be calling this "day one" since I want to keep track of the days I have gone without a miss if that makes sense? I am a complicated being so don't mind me XD

Whats new:



Still have the pain and stiffness even though its been a few weeks but I guess it could be worse so i'm not going to complain much. Also during the time I was off of subs I started having dreams of myself with wolf ears and a tail doing different daily things and it has made me want to start doing subs for that too, but i'm not to sure if it would be a wise choice since my body is already changing and if I added another transformation sub I fear that it would be to much for me to handle. Even though it has nothing to do with my current state I wanted to share in case I do decide at one point that I would be able to do it so it doesn't come to a surprise. 

Well that is all really it. I hope everyone has a good day :D


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