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guess what I managed to dooooo

*waits for answer*

If you guessed getting sick then you won the prize!

I get sick often but now it's getting ridiculous ;-;

also I haven't been updating my process lately since I had gone on a trip and felt like a goop of slime so I sort of drifted from wattpad but I will try to update at least every other day since I am incapable of updating daily lol.

Whats new:

-more sensitive smelling 

-more sensitive hearing

-ear aches

-intense dreams


I have been non stop smelling things out of curiosity. Before I didn't do it as much but now I can't stop wanting to smell everything. You know how when you go to a friends house and it smells like them EVERYWHERE, well imagine that but out in a crowd but still being able to smell them even though they are surrounded by weird smelling people. (I cant stand the smell of flowers now. Like i didnt like it before but now I really hate it. >:/ )

Hearing is not as much as a drastic change but it is more than before the subs. Buzzing and ticking has been happening when my ears start to hurt from the inside so I don't know if that is normal but its really annoying.

The dreams have been really realistic to the point of when I actually wake up I can't tell if the dream brought me to a different place or if I was in the real world. Last night was a weird symbolism one that I think I know what it means but at the same time I feel like there is more to it. Im thinking about making a dream journal on here because they are getting so weird but im not 100% sure yet.

Andddd I have to go to bed before my brother shoots me for having my chromebooks brightness all the way up (he is not a very happy camper when it comes to his booty sleep ;-;)


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