I'm Sorry

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Three days after Robin found Phantom in the alley, he woke up and he hissed at the bright lights above him. Phantom looked around and saw the IV in his arm and he tore it out as quickly as he could. Robin walked in as Phantom tossed the needle away and he got rid of anything else he was hooked up to.

Robin mentally sighed, "So you're finally awake."

Phantom looked at Robin, "Apparently, how long have I been out?"

"Three days."

Phantom groaned, "Damn, I've been out for way too long."

Robin frowned before he sat on the edge of the bed Phantom was in, "Who attacked you?"

Phantom growled but it wasn't at Robin, "Who do you think, the bastards that have been doing this shit from the beginning."

Robin's eyes widened a little, "You can't be serious, they almost killed you!"

"They would have if you hadn't shown up, I can't believe they used to be my family." Phantom glared at the space in front of him, his own family, his friends, had tried to kill him without hesitation.

Robin looked at Phantom sadly, "I'm sorry Phantom."

Phantom laughed just a little, "You said that the first time we met, why are you apologizing this time?"

"Because you don't deserve any of this, you didn't do anything wrong and yet they're hunting you."

Phantom smiled a little, "At least it's not all bad, you helped me out after all." Robin felt his heart speed up a little when he saw Phantom smile and he smiled back at the halfa.

"I'll always be there if you need me."

Phantom smiled before he shook his head, "Okay, I'm getting up now because I'm going stir crazy."

Robin's eyes widened a little but Phantom had already thrown the blanket off of himself and stood up. Phantom's legs almost gave out but Robin caught him and Robin sighed, "Are you sure you don't want to rest more?"

Phantom gave Robin a look that said 'did you really just ask me that' before he stood again and he didn't fall. "No way, I hate not being able to do things and I'll go insane if I have to stay in bed."

Robin smiled and shook his head, "Fine, just don't hurt yourself." Phantom smirked before the two walked out of the room, Phantom pulled up his black mask as they walked. The first person they ran into was Batman, the bat themed hero was in the batcave and Phantom inwardly cursed his life.

Batman saw the two and walked over to them, Phantom wondered if it was too late to run and hide somewhere. Batman looked at Phantom, "You're awake."

Phantom gave him a neutral look, "I should hope so, if I'm not then I'm sleep walking and I don't know it."

Batman gave him a strange look before he looked at Robin, the young hero just shrugged and Batman chose to ignore the comment. "You were nearly dead when I got there, care to tell me what happened?"

Phantom shrugged, "I got injured and almost died, nothing new there."

Batman eyes widened a little, he was about to say something else when the elevator not too far away opened and an older man walked in. His eyes immediately landed on Phantom and he spoke, "Good to see that you're awake."

Phantom stared at him for a second, "You're Alfred Pennyworth."

Alfred raised an eyebrow, "You know who I am?"

Phantom looked done with the world, "I might be on the run but I keep up with the news whenever I can." Phantom looked at Batman, "So that would make you Bruce Wayne." He looked at Robin, "And you're Richard Grayson."

Batman mentally sighed before he took off his cowl, "Yes we are."

Phantom's reaction was immediate, "I fucking knew it!" The three looked shocked and Phantom looked exasperated, "Oh come on, you've got tons of gear that would cost a fortune to get, not long after you took Richard in Batman had a new partner. Not to mention the fact that Bruce Wayne has never been seen in the same room as Batman despite them being in the same location on more then a handful of occasions."

"Then there's the fact that whenever Bruce Wayne or Richard Grayson mysteriously go missing Batman and Robin are either off being heroes or are missing too. I would go on but I'm sure you get the point by now, it really wasn't that hard to figure out though. I have no fucking clue how other people haven't figured it out but at this point I just don't care."

The three were looking at him in shock and Bruce finally spoke, "How long have you known?"

Phantom smirked, "Before I even met you, hell I knew before I started getting hunted by the government."

Robin suddenly started laughing and Bruce gave him a serious look, "Why are you laughing?"

Robin managed to stop laughing and he looked at Bruce, "The Justice League couldn't figure out who you are and the team couldn't figure it out even though they know us. Phantom knew and he didn't even have to meet us to figure it out, you don't find that at least a little funny?"

Alfred smiled, "I must admit that it is rather amusing." Alfred looked at Phantom, "Did you figure it out on your own or did you have help?"

Phantom laughed a little, "Are you kidding, I figured out the identities of every member of the Justice League and the team just to pass the time. Especially when my life was somewhat normal, I never even told anyone since heroes have a right to their secret identities."

Bruce looked completely stunned, "You know the identities of all of the Leaguers?"

Phantom smirked before he listed off the secret identities of each of the League members. After that he listed off the teams secret identities and the three once again had to process what Phantom said.

Alfred then decided to change the subject, "May I ask you a question mister Phantom?"

"Please just call me Phantom, I'm not really into formalities."

Alfred gave him a strange look but decided to do as he asked, "Very well Phantom. May I ask where you got those scars from?"

Phantom paused for a second and Robin was sure that he knew why, Phantom spoke, "So you saw those huh?"

Alfred hesitated before he nodded, "I saw them while I treated your wounds."

Phantom thought for a second before he spoke again, "Are you sure you what to know where I got those?"

Bruce answered, "If you're willing to tell us."

Phantom quietly sighed, "Well you did save me so I owe you one." He took a breath before he spoke again, "I got those when the government caught me, let's just say that it was painful."

Bruce and Alfred looked shocked and even a bit worried, Robin remembered what he saw on the files. Just thinking about it made his skin crawl, what he went through was more then just painful and they both knew it. Phantom mentally sighed, "I should go before some crazy shit happens, see ya."

Phantom disappeared after that, none of them were completely sure what happened since they were still getting over what Phantom said before. Robin decided to go upstairs, he wanted some time to himself and he was sure that Bruce and Alfred wanted to talk. When he walked into the mansion he went to his room and laid on his bed, he hoped Phantom would be okay.


I finally got this done! Okay, so the reason it's taking so long is because I have a bunch of other writing projects I'm working on. I'll post a new chapter for this whenever I get them done but it might be a slow process so please don't hate me.

See you next time dear readers!

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