Chapter 2: Back to the Devil

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Next thing I knew was that an alarm was going off in my head. It hurt like heck and my head was spinning and the noise was pounding on my head. When I had opened my eyes I saw the devil again. "Back in time. You'll get used to the way of travel. Trust me." For some reason the devil seemed nice. He was kinda hot too. Wait a minute!!! "Yep! I'm a girl. Surprising right? Thought so." I just started wide-eyed. He was a she??!! Too crazy for me. "I need you to accompany me to my meeting. With God of course!!" I followed her and somehow kept up to her quick speed. She handed me a few books. As we climbed some stairs I saw heaven. It was magnificent!!! I loved it. "Devila!! Finally. I was as patient as I could be. Come here. Now!!" She walked up to him. He gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She giggled and sat down in her seat. The guy that I had met last night sat down in his seat next to God's son. He smiled at me and I politely waved back to him. The two (devil and God) were deep in conversation. It souded very serious. "I see that they are in a deep conversation. Would you like to get to know me better?" I simply nodded and we chatted the next hour away.

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