Chapter One - The Day We Met

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That was all you I felt as you saw him.

He looked over his shoulder, the wind blowing his dark, black hair to the side.

A small wave.
That's all he gave to you...


It was May. The cherry blossom trees in the fancy school court yard were finally in bloom.
The warmth from the sun gave you hope.
The wind told you to follow what you wanted to do, and to have fun.

You walked inside the Ouran High school, and walked to your class, 1-A.
"Hey y/n! Today's nice!" said your friend. She was sitting at her desk right behind yours.
You nodded, nothing else.
"You're quiet as ever." said your friend. She smiled at me, eyes closed. "I guess thats how you always are though!"
I smiled, but I didn't focus on that. I couldn't get him out of my mind.


"Hey." said Mori as you walked past him in the hall way. Why was he talking to you? Why so randomly? He doesn't even know you.
You stop in the middle of the hallway. You feel your face getting hot.
"Come to the Host Club at recreation period." he said quietly, and walked away.
You feel all tingly inside, your face feels like the surface as the sun, just from a few words. You clench your phone in your hand, trying not to make a weird noise.

You turned to Mori as he walked past you. As his face showed to you, his dark eyes locked in with your e/c eyes.

As looked at his cheeks, I could see his face was turning a slight red.

"Mori-" you said quietly. "I want to come see you." and you ran down the hall to your class.

Your put your hand on your forehead, feeling the warmth of your blushing cheeks.

"Wow." you said quietly as you sat down in your desk chair. You let your head fall behind you, your e/c eyes closed.

After a minute, you felt someone behind you, and you realized the rest of the class had gone quiet.
You slowly opened your eyes, and behind you was a tall man. Dark hair, and dark eyes.
"Mori!" you yell. This was not your usual self. "How long were you standing there?" you said quieter this time, trying not to pull everyone's attention to you, but to keep it on Mori.
"About one minuet." he said quietly. He turned his head, and put his hand out in front of you.
You have already gotten out of your desk chair by this time, and grabbed the thing in his hands gently.
You look down, and see your phone.
"How did you get this?" you ask quietly. He looks away even more, his face getting a light blush.
"You dropped it as you ran away." he said. "And I kinda forget your name, so I had to ask before you met me at the club." he said. His face got a light blush, but not as bad as yours. Your face felt like it was burning.
"My name is y/n." you said quietly, turned away from him.
You turned to him, and gave him a slight, awkward bow in your thanks.
He walked out of the class, and as he did, he passed some of the girls in your class, and they turned to me, their faces looking mean, but with a blush.
Mixed in with those people, was my friend, the head of the Mori-Senpai Love Club.

Mori x Reader (OHSHC)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now