Chapter Four - Another girl?!

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The door opened.
"Hello! I got a call for me to come here immediately! Is someone hurt?" asked a school nurse. Surprisingly, it was a boy!
You stood up.
"Yes! Hello. I'm the girl that Mori called for. I fell down and hurt my wrist." you said as you walked over to him.
"About how long ago was this?" he asked as he pulled you over to a table by the entrance.
You looked over at Mori, who was paying no attention to you. You turned back to the nurse. "About 2 hours."
He nodded.
"Oh! And by the way, my name is Kasanoda." he said with a smile.
"I'm y/n!" you said cheerfully. "Thank you for taking care of my wrist." you said. You shook Kasanoda's hand, and he walked out.
"He was a third year last year." said Tamaki as he walked over to you. You turned to him.
"He already has this job?" you said, surprised that it haven't even taken him a year to get a job as a school nurse!
"He just got a job last week." said Tamaki. "He actually was a big fan of our beloved Host Club!" he said as he put his hands proudly into the air. "But he actually found out a big secret about one of our former female Hosts. And women came to see her! But they didn't know." said Tamaki.
I looked at him in awe, wondering what she looked like.
"But I thought that you said Haruhi was the only girl yet." you said.
"We don't like to talk about her."
"Did she have to quit because Kasanoda found out?" you asked. But Tamaki shook his head.
"She had to leave because the whole school found out." said Haruhi as she walked over. "But it wasn't because of Kasanoda!" she said as she put her hands in front of you. She pulled back.
"It was because of me." said Mori quietly.
You looked at him.
"I told my girlfriend, who I thought could take a secret, and she went around and put posters around the school, saying bad things about her, like her wanting to change gender, wanting to date other women, being lesbian, but we forced her into this because of her being a good friend." he said. He sniffled a little, but kept in the tears you could see he wanted to let out.
I looked over at the rest of the Host Club, and they all were standing at a table, heads down.
"She was the nicest girl I knew - oops. Sorry Haruhi" said Hikaru. Haruhi scoffed, and turned her head away from him.
"I'm used to it." she said, arms crossed. You laughed, seeing how close they are.
"Kanako" said Mori. "Her name was Kanako"
You looked over at him. His eyes were closed, head facing up.
"She loved teacups, dancing, she stole Haruhi's first kiss" he laughed. "And she was very pretty. One of the most popular people in our school. That's what made it so heartbreaking" he said.
You walked over to him.
He looked down at you. You finally noticed the height difference between you to.
You started to laugh.
"What's funny about that?" he asked.
"Oh! No it's not that!" you said. "I just noticed how tell you are and how short I am" you said. You smiled.
She smiled a little, and he put a arm around you.
You felt yourself get hot.
He let go, and you quickly turned away, hoping no one else saw that.
Luckily, everyone was off either cleaning the Club Room,
or talking amongst themselves.
You let out a sigh of relief, and turned to Mori.
"You know I would never embarrass you like that" he said, and he bent down and out his arms out.
You felt yourself get hot, but you went closer and gave him a hug.
He stood up, picking you easily off your feet.
You smiled into his shoulder.
He let you down, then walked over to a table.
"The guests are about to come in! You should sit with me and Honey today until your wrist gets better." he said.
You nodded quickly, and sat down, the opposite side of the couch he was on.
You looked over at each other, and he smiled, and scooted in closer.
You blushed and hid your face, but it felt nice.
You leaned into Mori, and felt like drifting off to sleep.

ON AN UNRELATED NOTE - I love this AMV, so check it out! *Not Mine!*


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