Chapter 18

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Lucys POV

I don't want to ruin what me and Harvey have, I love him so much. But it's hard. I think I love Rye too.

"Morning." Harvey Said stretching out his arms in his morning voice. I smiled at him faintly and kissed his lips gently.
"Morning." I replied.

I hoped out of bed and put on one of Harvey's hoodies as I was only wearing Calvin's. I picked up my phone and sent Mikey a text.

The Broski💗

Mikey is everyone downstairs?xx

Yeah xx
Read: 9:32


"Harv, you coming downstairs?" I asked him turning around and throwing my hair up in a messy bun.
"Yeah one sec." He replied as he stood up and put on some joggers as he only had boxers on.
"Come on then." He said walking over with his phone in one hand and his other hand rested on my back. I smiled at him and we opened the door following eachother downstairs.

"Hi." I Said coming down. Everyone was sat at the dining table with breakfast in-front of them.
"Did you make us any breakfast?" Harvey asked them.
"Yeah mate." Brooklyn said, "it's on the bench in the kitchen."

We both nodded and Harvey went through and came back with two plates of pancakes and a tub of Nutella. He put them both down on the table and I sat down next to Rye and opposite Harvey.

"Me and Lucy are going home today and we're coming back tomorrow night." Mikey said.
"What no!" Jack said pouting.
"She needs to tell our mum about Adam." Mikey said, he smiled at me reassuring me it was all okay. I nodded and smiled at everyone to reassure them.

"You'll be fine." Harvey Said stuffing pancakes in his mouth. I took his free hand with no fork in and held it on top of the table.
"Yep, there's nothing to worry about." Rye told me. He rested his hand on my leg. I looked at him and smiled but them moved his hand off of my thigh.

I had finished my pancakes last and began going upstairs.
"I'll go pick an overnight bag for mums Mikey." I told them but mainly directing it to Mikey.
"I'll come and help you." Harvey Said getting up off the sofa and following me into my room.

"Okay can you just get some underwear for me please." I asked him as I got a vs pink backpack from the bottom of my wardrobe and filled it with pjs and clothes for tomorrow.

"I'll just go brush my teeth so I can pack my toothbrush." I told him. He nodded and put the underwear he got out for me in my bag then crashed down on my bed and went onto his phone.

I came back through with my toothbrush and skincare.

"What time you going?" He asked me.
"I think Mikey said like, 11? So it's 10 now right?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He Replied.
"Then I will spend the hour with you ,gorgeous. After I've got changed that is." I told him. I took off his hoodie and threw it at him. It took him by surprise and fell on his face. I laughed and so did he putting his middle finger up at me. I blew him a kiss and put on some clothes.

I crawled next to him onto the bed and rested my head on his shoulder while we both sat their on our phones.

"Lucy?" He said out of the blue.
"Yeah?" I questioned him.
"Are you a virgin?" He asked me. He looked down at me with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and put my phone down.
"No." I replied with a short answer.
"Oh." He said bluntly.
"Harvey, don't be so stupid." I told him sitting up.
"I'm not, I just thought I'd be your first." He said.

"Well I'm not your first am I? So why do you have to be mine?" I asked him.
"Nothing it doesn't matter." He Replied.
"Well it clearly does Harvey, it seems to be bothering you." I stated.
"Can I know who it was then?" He asked me.

I shook my head in disbelief.
"Why does it matter?" I replied to his question with a question while slightly raising my voice.
"It must be someone I know if you won't even fucking tell me!" He shouted shaking his head.
"Why are you getting so agitated by it!?" I questioned him against.

"For fuck sake Lu! Just tell me!" He was still shouting.
"Fine you really want to know,eh!" I asked him making my voice louder than his, "it was Rye okay!"

He didn't reply for a while.
"What the fuck! When." He asked me. He was mad now and we were both standing up.
"On my 15th birthday, when we had that party." I said lowering my voice now.
"But- but I was there that night, I thought you said you liked me since you were like 13." He said sitting down, "and my bestfriend, really?"

"Harvey, it was bad timing. It meant nothing." I told him.
"Yes it did, it fucking meant loosing your virginity to Rye. Not to mention that he was 20!" He was still shouting at me.

We both heard a knock on my door and I asked who it was.
"It's Rye, just let me in." He said.
"Fuck off you prick!" Harvey Shouted.
"Harvey!" I Screamed at him.
"Your no better, you're a slut! You slept with my bestfriend." He stood up barging out of them room knocking into Ryes shoulder which threw his body back against the wall but Harvey just carried on walking until I heard the front door open and close with a loud bang.

"I'm sorry." I said to Rye as he came into my room closing the door behind him and sitting on my bed.

I'm really sorry that it's been a while since my last chapter, I've been revising like mad and working on new books. I hope you all understand xoxo-Lucy 🍓

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