Not So Happy Campers Pt.2

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Everyone heads up a cliff in their swimwear ready for their first challenge

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Everyone heads up a cliff in their swimwear ready for their first challenge. "Okay I admit I could not stop glancing at DJ, he is just...amazing," I say in confessionals while swooning. I'm suddenly brought back into reality and turn beet red before placing my hand over the camera lens to end its recording.

"Okay, today's challenge is three-fold. Your first task is to jump off of this 1000 ft high cliff into the lake," Chris informs everyone. Bridgette then turns to Tyler and smiles telling his this was going to be a piece of cake. 'Just wait I know Chris has something else in store'. "If you look down you will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake we have stocked with psychotic, man-eating sharks. Inside that is a safe zone. That's your target area, which we're pretty sure is shark-free."

Leshawna did not like the later comment from Chris because she suddenly turns to him and says, "Excuse me?"

Chris ignores Leshawna and continues, "For each member of your team that jumps and actually...survives there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate, there will be supplies that you'll need for the second challenge. Building a hot tub! The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see. Killer Bass your up first."

Bridgette walks over to the edge and looks over, "Oh, wow...who wants to go first?" she asks but only to receive silence as a response.

Owen then goes on to claim that all shows like this must test the challenges first to make sure they are safe. The Killer Bass debate on who should go first and Duncan sarcastically tells Bridgette, "Ladies first."

I just sigh at them get Chris' attention, "Hey, Chris? May I go first to show them that it is safe?"

The host looks at me with uncertainty and asks, "Are you sure?" I give him a nod and an innocent smile. I pull off my hoodie and I swear I caught DJ checking me out but it could have just been my imagination. "Hey, Dunk? Can you hold this for me please?" I ask my new best friend. After he gives me a nod I smile at him before I take a dive off of the cliff doing a few back-flips before landing in the middle target perfectly and beanie still secure.

I look up to the cliff and wave to see Chris and Uncle Hat holding up pieces of paper with the number 10 on them. I laugh before I reach over the safeguard and pet the head of the nearest and smallest shark. The sharp-toothed fish nuzzles into my hand and I say, "I'm going to call you Fang. Can you give me a lift back to shore?" The little shark slightly nods its head and I climb on. Once I'm back on shore I kiss Fang lightly on his head then go back up the cliff. Everyone cheers for me when I reach the top and I give a mock bow then take my hoodie from Duncan to cover myself back up.

"I'll go next. It's no big deal just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks," Bridgette states before taking the plunge. She dives off of the cliff with perfect form and lands in the safe zone. She waves up at us which causes the Killer Bass to cheer.

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