Up the Creek

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Another day; another challenge

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Another day; another challenge. I am still getting over the fact that the other campers; and essentially the whole world, knows my past and my secret. As I go to put my beanie on this morning and make sure my tail is hidden Bridgette saw me and reminded me there was no need to hide anymore. We all meet at Chris to find out what he has in store for us. I take my spot between my brother and my boyfriend and give Duncan a kiss on the cheek greeting him, "Goodmorning, Onii-chan." I look over just to see DJ pouting at me. I chuckle and peck him on the lips before saying, "Goodmorning to you as well, Koibito."

I turn my attention to Chris as he begins speaking, "Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip! You will be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney Island. When you get there you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island; which is about a two-mile hike through treacherous, dense jungle." Chris explains.

"You got to por- what?" Geoff asks extremely confused.

"Portage; it means you walk with your canoe," I explain to him.

"That would be correct, Hana. (Flower)" I give my dad a smile which he returns before continuing, "When you arrive at the other end of the island you will build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return to the beach will win invincibility. Move campers, move!" We all start running when Chris stops us, "Oh wait! I almost forgot to mention; legend has it that if you take anything off of the island you will be cursed forever!" Owen finds this to be great as we all make our ways to the canoe and team up.

I join up with DJ and Geoff since for some reason Duncan decides to team up with Harold and Sadie. I would have teamed up with Bridgette for some girl time but she asks Courtney to partner with her so I immediately threw that thought away. I turn to Shadow, "You stay here, okay? I know you don't like the water and there's a chance we might fall in." Okay, I will be here when you get back. Be careful and have fun; but not too much fun. I can just hear the mischievous smirk in his voice as I feel myself turn red. "U-urusai, (Shut up) Shad." I turn around and walk towards the guys but I can hear Shadow laughing at me as I walk away. "Stupid Cat. I should just shave him in his sleep," I mutter under my breath as I come up on the guys. DJ must have heard me because he chuckles at my words tilting his head in question. My blush deepens at the cute gesture as I mutter, "Don't ask." DJ shrugs it off before getting in the canoe and giving me a hand up.

"Yo, man? Do canoes flip over a lot?" DJ asks slightly scared.

Geoff turns to him shooting a reassuring smile, "No, man. You are thinking of kayaks--unless we hit some rough water." 'Dang it, Geoff. You shouldn't have said that. *insert mental facepalm*'

"Water can get rough?" DJ asks.

"Rough? Oh yeah, sometimes it can get totally radical out there," Geoff answers. At DJ's uncertainty, Geoff throws him an oar and replies, "Dude, relax we are going to be fine."

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