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I finally give up on all attempts to sleep at around six. I know that Uncle Hat should be up getting breakfast ready so I decide to join him. Shadow and I walk to the communal bathroom so I can get dressed for the day. Once I finish getting ready I go to the mess hall and hug my uncle from behind. "Morning Kitten, how did you sleep?" Uncle Hat asks without looking away from his work. I lightly tap his back to get him to look back at me while I look up. When he does so he gives me a worried look, "Yikes Kit did you get any sleep last night."

I shook my head before replying, "Harold snored loudly all night so I couldn't sleep." I then buried my face into his back and he let me be while he continued to work. Later on I walk into the meeting area of the mess hall and sit down with my head on the table as I wait for the others.

When everyone settles down in the mess hall you can see a huge difference between the two teams the gophers are goofing off while the bass are struggling to stay awake. I sit in my usual spot in between Duncan and DJ with Shadow at my feet. Duncan and I have our heads on the table trying to sleep while DJ has his head propped on his hand and rubs my back in comfort. Chris enters the mess hall and says, "Duncan, you look like death dude." Duncan tiredly looks up from his position on the table and tells him to "stick it".

"Harold snored all night!" Courtney explains.

"Wow, four nights with no sleep, how much are you hurting dude?" Chris teases.

Duncan sits up from his position again and threatens, "Do you want to find out?" While everyone hides under the table from Duncan I sit up and rub his back soothingly. I roll my eyes at everyone else's fear of my brother figure. As Duncan places his head on my shoulder I move my hand from his back to run it through his hair to which I receive a sigh of contentment from the boy. I glance over at DJ and he seems kind of sad. 'I wonder what is wrong.'

Harold then walks in with a mustache drawn on his face and everyone laughs at him. "You are the one responsible for Harold's face aren't you?" I whisper to Duncan with a slight smirk. He simply nods against my shoulder and I playfully shake my head at him then resume running my fingers through his hair.

"Okay, what?" Harold asks exasperatedly.

"Someone messed with your face dude," Geoff informs the boy.

Harold looks at his face in the reflection of a spoon and comments that it was a "sweet 'stache". 'Insert mental facepalm here.'

"Hey look everyone it's Gwen!" Chris announces. The Screaming Gophers begin to cheer for the girl who won the last challenge.

"I'm so tired I can't feel my face," Gwen says before allowing her face to slam into the table.

"I feel you, Gwen," I tell her to which I receive a sleepy thumbs up from the girl.

"Hey, fish heads! Way to kick out your strongest player! Why don't you just give up now?" Heather taunts. Courtney through a spoon full of food at Heather but she dodged it making the food hit Gwen instead.

"Okay campers listen up, your next challenge begins in 10min. And be prepared to bring it," Chris announces.

We all stand up and trudge to the gym. I help Duncan because 1.) He stayed up longer than me and 2.) He helped me last night even though he was tired too. I felt like helping Duncan to the gym was the least I could do. When we arrive at our destination Duncan goes and lays down on the bleachers and threatens the team, "If you wake me up it'll be the last thing you do." before going to sleep and Shad goes to lay down at his feet because he knows that Duncan is already important to me.

Courtney then turns on Harold, "this is all your fault you know, you and your snoring face."

"It's called a medical condition...GOSH!" Harold defends. Everyone flinches when he shouts so thankfully it doesn't seem weird that I flinched due to my sensitive hearing.

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