Who Can You Trust?

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I wake up before everyone else in the cabin and carefully pry myself out of DJ's arms so that I can go help Uncle Hat with breakfast

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I wake up before everyone else in the cabin and carefully pry myself out of DJ's arms so that I can go help Uncle Hat with breakfast. After I get ready I head to the mess hall and begin cooking with my uncle. By the time I bring the food out everyone is up and sitting at the tables. I sit next to DJ as he "feeds" Bunny and internally cringe in slight disgust. I look over and see Duncan at the coffee and tea station 'One of the few decent things we have' and call out to him, "Hey Onii-chan, can make me some sweet tea while you make your coffee please?" Duncan nods and begins to make our drinks. I lay my head on DJ's shoulder and decide to rest my eyes a bit until I get my tea because I'm still tired. My peace is abruptly ruined however when I hear Courtney going off on Duncan for smuggling a mug under his shirt. "Lay off him, Courtney. You should know by now that's just how Dunk is so either get used to it or just stay away from him." I say with a bored look. Duncan walks over to DJ and me after he knocks shoulders with Courtney and gives me my tea, "You, my dear brother are a saint." Duncan chuckles at my statement and pets my ears earning a purr from me as I drink my prize.

(Time Skip brought to you by Italy's love for pasta)

"Last week's challenge exposed a few gopher issues and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass pond too," Dad says. Duncan elbows Courtney in the side jokingly to which he receives a full on shove in return. I just shake my head at them. "Those two are hopeless. Courtney likes Duncan but he can't stand her so he picks on her and that just adds fuel to the fire for her. What am I going to do with him?" I say in confessionals. Dad ignores the two bakas and continues telling us about the challenge, "So this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust because all good things begin with a little trust. There will be three major challenges that will have to be completed by two or more members of your team. Normally we like to let the campers choose their partners but not this time... more fun for me!"

For the first challenge DJ and Duncan were chosen to climb a mountain with Duncan supporting DJ as he climbed. My boys were competing against Heather who was supporting Gwen as she climbed. Before DJ went to compete he gave Bunny to Geoff for safe keeping. All was going smoothly until Heather pulls Gwen's "support rope" causing her skirt to get ripped off and hall on DJ's face. DJ being the innocent heart he is looked away from Gwen when he realized what happened and ended up losing his grip. The rope caught on Duncan's ankle and the two collided. I put my hand over my mouth in order to contain my amusement but this doesn't last long until I suddenly burst into a fit of laughter while holding my stomach. I eventually regain my composure to hear that the Gophers won the challenge.

I decide to take pity on my boys and get them down so I climb up the mountain and use my claws to cut the rope causing them to crash to the ground. After groaning a bit from the fall they thank me and we head over to see that Geoff and Bridgette had already won their challenge. Now we were on to Courtney and Sadie's challenge against Owen and Lashawna. Sadie had to shoot apples at Courtney with a slingshot and hit the arrow that was placed on her head. Sadie continued to hit Courtney with a barrage of apples. Lashawna succeeded in hitting the arrow making the Gophers the winners yet again; however, Sadie kept shooting. Dad finally got through to Sadie that the challenge was over and Courtney passed out. I walk over to Courtney and run her to the med tent and leave her there with Uncle Hat before heading to the next challenge. "What? I couldn't just leave her there. She may hate me and I greatly dislike her but I'm not heartless." I say in confessionals. In the next challenge, I'm competing with Harold. We will be doing trapeze over a pond full of jellyfish with me being blindfolded. 'To say I'm slightly scared is an understatement but I trust Harold so I should be fine.' I climb up to the platform and tie my blindfold on placing myself in darkness. (AN: Hello darkness my old friend... No? Okay then... *sulks in Tamaki's emo corner.) I listen for Harold's cue. And while waiting for Harold I hear DJ's pained shouts of Bunny abandoning him. 'My poor Koibito. I will find Bunny after this even if I need to get Fang to help me.' (AN: Remember Fang is the shark Bella befriended in the cliff diving chapter.) "Okay, Ell jump now." Without any hesitation, I jump and Harold successfully grabs ahold of my hands and we win the challenge since Lindsay ended up dropping Heather.

After I get off of the platform with Harold I speed off into the woods and I see Duncan coaxing a bunny towards the camp with a carrot. I sneak up behind him and say, "Hey onii-chan!" Duncan jumps slightly then gives a relieved sigh when he realizes it's me. I smile at him as I reach out and coax the bunny into my waiting arms. 'I may be a part predator but animals still love me.' I then silently walk with Duncan back to the other campers with the bunny safely tucked in my arms. By the time we make it back to the others DJ and Geoff are competing in the next challenge.

"DJ look who we found!" Duncan shouts. DJ lifts his blindfold and sees Bunny in my arms safe and sound and his motivation returns.

DJ and Geoff won. DJ runs up to me and picks Bunny up along with me and spins us around. I giggle as DJ says, "My two favorite girls." I lean down and peck DJ on the lips after he finishes spinning us. Thanks, Beauty and Duncan for bringing Bunny back.

"Whatever man Imouto asked me to go look with her and Bunny was just drawn to her mom so she followed us here," Duncan brushes off.

Dad announces us as the winner then claims that since DJ removed his blindfold the gophers actually won so we had to face yet another campfire ceremony. I voted for Courtney as per usual but it was down to Harold or Sadie and Sadie was the one that got voted off. As we all make our way to the cabin I creep up behind DJ and latch myself onto his back like a koala but since I'm so much smaller than him he doesn't stumble from my added weight. Once again I sleep in DJ's bed with him and Bunny but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

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