Who is he?: chapter 2

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I'm working on the baby project with playboy Nick Manson.

"Jesus what's wrong with him?" Said Savannah.

"I don't know, he's been like this all day." replied Jackson.

"He looks broken, so out of it!"

Both Savannah and Jackson stare at Dexter for a while studying his blank stare.

"Is everyone ready? Said the mom."Jackson help your brother put on his tie, Savannah put the cookies in the car I have to find your father's blue socks in his room; I want everyone in the car as soon as I come down those stairs.

Both women go in separate directions as Jackson flicks his brother's head already with a smirk on his face.

"Why did you do that?" I exclaimed.

"You were out in space looking like an idiot. Do you know how to ty it yourself? Or do you want me to do it?" replied Jackson.

I scowled an upright stare at Jackson. He has a bad habit of treating me like a fool or in some moments a child.

"There, done." said Jackson.

I stare down at my chest as the tie was already set in place. I stare back at Jackson with a slight blush on my cheeks. "Thanks." I replied.

"You have a talent of zoning out, come on we have to be at the car.


I always forget how bored I am at church. I can't complain but going regularly gets pretty tiring. it's like living in a church. Jackson's over there already closing his eyes and Savannah is putting up an act like mom and dad do. Let's not forget there's that one kid in every church that loves to stare at you.

I have two for that matter. Third grader Heidi Peterson and Triston Stewart From my science class. I've noticed him always staring at me since I've entered high School. The dude makes it so obvious, but I'm not giving him the luxury of noticing him. Sorry pal you're not my type.

"This Is the part where he screams hallelujah and everyone sings." Jackson arched closer to my ear as he whispered the father's next movement.


I smirked a little slightly bumping elbows with Jack. The song started and everyone began to stand up, a few of the people go to the front engraved in the dance, my parents included. that was the signal to escape for a few minutes.

"Ah man whats the deal with mom making us go all the time! it's ok to love the lord and what not but this is just too crazy." Exclaimed Jackson.

The fact that Jackson and I pretend to not know each other at school didn't mean that we can't get along well in stuff like these.

Jacksons phone vibrated his face lit up a bit." Sweet." He said.

"Seth party?" I asked.

Jackson typed in a few words and nodded his head to my question." He's just posted pics of the drinks he's having." Jackson types a few more then talks to me again." Cover for me?"

Jack I wish I did but I can't. I rubbed the back of my neck Jackson peeking my way looks.

"You have something don't you." He said.

I averted my gaze a bit. "I may or may not go as well."

Jackson laughed a bit. "And with who? I know you wouldn't go solo."

I blushed a bit and smirked confidently. " With Sarah."

His mouth dropped a bit." That hot black chick that I have no idea 'how the fuck you're friends with a girl like her' Sarah?"

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