Screwed part 2

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If there is one thing I never wanted to do was to hit someone, but if this person really but really deserves it should it still count.

Nick Manson knows my secret. How? I don't know, but I bet I did something stupid yesterday and he's dying to tell me.

I take the hand from my face and stared at the road. In the corner of my eye I could see him shift himself and resumed to driving to his house. We stayed silent until we got there, in hopes if he doesn't make me talk.

"Maria I'm home." Said Nick propping his bag at the side of the door. A woman came around the corner with the fake baby in her hand in a gentle smile welcoming us.

She looked like a house maid judging by the clothing she had on, quite an older woman who age played kindly to her. Wrinkles creased her eyes, her light brown hair has a few gray strands tied up in a bun, she held the fake baby as if it was real and alive.

"Nick how was your practice? And who might this be?" She questioned. Her voice in a low gentle tone she looked back and forth from Nick and I swaying the baby as if it was being put to sleep.

"Practice was fine, and this is that's child's mother." Sarcastically said Nick.

I stared down at him. How dare he call me a fake child's mother!

Maria had the same stare and soon she started to giggle. She moved up to me and hands me our baby. "Then that means you guys will officially start working on your daughter."

I raised a brow. Did Maria already find out the sex of the child? Nick and I didn't bother to check.

Nick suddenly grabs my arm and drags me upstairs baby in Toll with me and Maria looking up from the stairs waving good bye. We made it to his room and the first thing you can notice is how clean his room was.

Duh Dexter, he has a house maid she's bound to clean his room. Totally different from Jackson's room.

"Stop standing at the door and get inside." Said Nick.

I landed my gaze at him as if I escaped trans and I scrunched my face. "You're very bossy you know that right." I exclaimed.

Nick shrugged his shoulders taking off his shirt and changing into another one. "Enjoy the show little one?"

That's it. I'm going to hit this boy with this fake baby. "I'm not gay." I said.

Nick threw into a fit of laughter." Yes, you are." He replied.

"How can you assume I'm gay! You don't even know me other than being Jackson's little brother."

He gave me a downward stare. "Did you really forget what happened yesterday?"

So I did do something yesterday. I shook my head. "Whatever I did yesterday you just can't assume I'm gay!"

"You were all tears and clingy yesterday now today you're being hostile Dexter." Said Nick already propping down to his bed.

"Nick I'm holding a fake baby on my hands I'm not afraid to throw it at you!"

"Is that anyway to treat your host?"

"You're the one calling me gay, that's rude and offensive!"

"You were the one who poured out his heart and soul to me about who you liked."

I blushed. Dexter don't tell me you told this tool your deepest secret not even your friends know!

"By the looks in your face I can tell you forgot." Nick Laughed. "You told me so suddenly and so random I dragged you to a room, so nobody could hear you."

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