Chapter: 4

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The morning was peaceful as I managed to get some much needed sleep. For once the baby stayed asleep.

Even if it was Tuesday, today there was a teacher assembly which means we had half of the school day today. Mom was downstairs making her famous cinnamon buns, dad at his usual seat drinking coffee and looking at his phone.

"Good morning baby." Said my mom.

Me in Tull with the fake baby in my hands sat down across from dad yawning. "Morning mom." I replied.

"I take it you want two or three?"

My eyes perked up."Two would be fine."

My mother resumed to what she was doing as my father spoke up not looking away from his phone. "Was that kid here yesterday?"

I'd admit dad doesn't like Greg that much, only because he sees him eyeing my sister. I hope.

"We were just  hanging dad." I replied.

"So many kids in school and you pick Winston's son, how absurd."

"Honey leave our boy alone he has nice friends who treat him well." Said my mother as she handed the plate to me. "We should invite his family for dinner Linda happens to be the leader of the book club I've been dying to get in.

There my mom goes, trying to make things possible. My phone buzzes off already annoyed who it is.

"aren't you going to get that honey?"

I shook my head and presumed my desired bun. My phone buzzes again this time dad looked at it and raised a brow.

"Get it boy, people like that are going to blow up your phone."

I rolled my eyes looking at the phone, I pick it up not amused. "Im eating you know." I replied.

"Well Hello to you too Bubbles." Said Nick. "Come on down, I thought we could hang at the coffee shop."

I thought my idea of relaxing was to get away from the problem in the first place.

"I did say you have to do what ever I tell you to do, Isn't that right Bubbles?"

"Alright fine I'll be over there in a bit." I sighed. I felt stares down at me as both my parents looked at me with curious eyes.

"It's Nick mom, he's the father of our child."

My mother started laughing and dad didn't look amused; he went back to drinking his coffee already done with me for today.


Our local coffee shop is a humble place not as famous as Star Bucks but with some bomb ass coffee. I love this coffee shop, they have really good muffins, but what I don't like is the person who I'm meeting.

"Bubbles, it's so good to see you!"

My spit and fall Manson. I walk up to him already handing him the baby and sitting on the chair across from him.

In the pitiful and awkward silence I stare at him while he holds the baby in one hand and texts with the other. Is there a reason why he wants me here in the first place?

"Not many people in this coffee shop right?" questioned Nick.

Now that I look around there isn't much people.

"I have a few questions in hopes that you answer them without sass." Said Nick again.

I inclined my head to the side waiting for him to talk away.

"I make no promises." I grinned.

"How long have you been gay?"

Oh you mother f... You don't just tell or ask people how long they've been gay. It's like shooting a person and telling them not to bleed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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