two- a foreign feeling

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it was autumn. one of those days where you had to put on a jacket and scarf not to get cold, but you could still enjoy a nice breeze blowing your hair and scarf back.

that's how it happened, actually. a breeze. i had my scarf tied around my neck up to my nose and a beanie on, revealing only my eyes and nose. my hands were tucked in my pockets, my right hand fiddling with a paperclip i had found two days earlier. suddenly a breeze hit. i closed my eyes, savoring the sound of dried leaves crunching as they skidded against the asphalt and the smell of wet leaves.

then something hit me in the face.

my eyes opened as i pulled it off of me. a scarf. unlike mine, which was brown and tattered and probably dug up from the back of a closet. the scarf in my hands was soft and blue as the sky right before sunset. two seconds had passed before i realized someone was coming towards me.

i held out their scarf, muttering an apology for some reason, when i looked up.

and that's when i saw him.

his eyes were even bluer than his scarf, but i looked closely and saw a tiny speck of green in his left eye, right below his iris. it was the color of grass stains that you get on your jeans right after it's been mowed. his dark brown bangs were going in all directions, left, right, up, falling in front of his eyes. his nose had a scar nearly right in the middle of it, a small one that looked like a three pointed star. his lips looked way too soft for cold weather when they should probably be chapped, but they looked so soft and in my mind an image flashed of my own lips brushing against his.

suddenly i realized those lips were moving.

"thanks" he was saying.

i tried to say something, but my throat was dry, so i just nodded.

he took the scarf back, the soft cloth brushing against my hand as he pulled it away from me. he wrapped it around his neck and walked away wordlessly.

i forgot every single word of the english language for a good 15 seconds. 15 seconds that seemed to slow down into hours. my steps felt like i was moving through molasses. my heart was no longer in my chest, it was beating in my fingertips, my neck, my stomach. i felt like a big heart, red and warm and quaking all over.

for the rest of that day, i acted normal, went to all my classes, went "home", did my homework, and fell asleep. but the entire time, i was thinking about blue, blue eyes. bluer than the sky before sunset.

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