six- an uninvited guest

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i didn't expect anything to happen.

and if i did, i didn't except it to happen this fast.

and of course, i did not at all except to see a boy looking around my age sitting at the foot of my bed when i woke up the next day.

"holy crap!" i screamed before he leaned over and covered my mouth with his hand.

he shushed me and i bit my lip so i wouldn't scream. he had a bored expression, pink hair brushed out of his face, and white cloths wrapped around his wrists and ankles. he was barefoot and dressed in a white t shirt and shorts. he was also really... shiny? like if he stepped into the sun, he would sparkle like a vampire. 

he finally pulled his hand back and wiped it haphazardly on his shorts. 

"who are you?" i inquired, sitting up in bed.

he scratched his head, pink sequins falling out of his equally pink hair. my eyes widened.

"well funny story. i was just sitting around yanno, enjoying my life and eating. when out of nowhere this goddamn acorn hits me in the head. and i have no idea where it came from but whatever, right?" 

i rubbed my eyes. maybe i was dreaming, maybe this was some really weird vision. and what did he mean by...


he frowned. "yeah it hurt like a mother fucker."

"you still haven't answered my question." i said, half distracted. 

he leaned on his elbows. "oh yeah. my name is cupid."


"well technically my name is eros or something, but i guess people realized that sounded kind of dumb. honestly cupid sounds even more stupid but-"

"hold on. there's no way you could be cupid." i argued.

he sighed and slowly stood up on my bed. his face scrunched in concentration as a fluffy pair of wings sprouted from his back, white and snow and looking soft as clouds. my jaw dropped in shocked. 

"oh and there's also this" he said as he reached underneath my bed and pulled out a bow and arrow that looked like they were made of gold. 

"how'd you do that?" i stuttered. "with the wings?"

"well i usually put them away when i take visits to earth. i don't wanna look like some weird bird hybrid. or a cosplayer." he explained, jumping down from the bed and sitting cross legged on the floor.

i flopped onto my back and stared at the ceiling. i squeezed my eyes shut tightly.

wake up wake up wake up.

"look kid-"

i turned and saw the pink haired kid still sitting on my bedroom floor. and he still had wings.


"look- you made a wish didn't you?"

i paused. i sat up urgently.


"the acorn. okay?" cupid said impatiently. "i'm here to grant your wish."

"my... wish?"

"i'm gonna make this simple. i'm giving you my powers."

my eyebrows knitted together in confusion. 

"that's not simple at all!" i groaned.

cupid stood up and crossed his arms. "okay okay. basically i'm giving you the power to make anyone fall in love with anyone else."

my brain tried to put together the pieces from what cupid was telling me, but they felt like two pieces from completely different puzzles. i barely had any time to even process what he was saying and what that meant for me. i glanced at my hands and looked up at him.

"when do i... when does it start?"

he scratched his head and more sequins fell out. i shivered in confusion.

"whenever you want" he said, shrugging mischievously. "there are also a few rules but, none of them are that important. you'll figure them out yourself if they are."

"what?" i shook my head, "okay well what about the bow and arrow?"

cupid laughed. "these are just props. to make someone fall in love, you just need to touch them and touch the person you want them to love. simple."

i suddenly felt very dizzy and confused and i didn't know where i was or what i was thinking and soon everything was black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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