Chapter 4

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You ran out of the house and ran towards the room and you jumped into bed. And pretended to sleep as you head a door open.

Norman looked at you with sadness in his eyes. He slowly approached you and patted your shoulder. You slowly opened your eyes and looked at him. "Norman? What's wrong?" You asked as you sat up. "Can you... Can you find out where she is? Can you find out what made her disappear p-please?" Tears fell down his face as he grasped your hand. "Please... That's all I-I want. I just want to know why she left. W-Was it me? D- Did I do something? Please you have to tell me." He pleaded to you. You hugged Norman tightly as he cried into your shoulder. "I don't think it would ever be you. By what you said she probably had a reason to go. I don't think it was you. It couldn't be you. But I'll find out what made her leave." You promised as you held him close. His grip suddenly tightened and he sent a glare to the wall. "I'll kill the person who made h- her leave..." He paused for a second then smirked. "I know the person who will help me..." He rose from your hug and you stepped out of bed. "Follow me" he took your arm and dragged you to the office.

He took you through the managers office which was full of taxidermy animals and went to a safe behind the desk and opened it. There sat a box with different patterns and looked alluring but held an aura of fear. "What is it?" You asked. He didn't pick it up. "Just a puzzle box which holds something e-evil inside. I wouldn't solve the puzzle if I was you. Just make sure to find t-the person who made her leave." He said then quickly slammed the safe shut.

-time skip-

You arrived at the apartment building. Aya ran to you and hugged you tightly. "You're safe! No scratches or cuts. Wow. What did you find out?" She asked as she walked to the desk. "She loved Norman. She planned to marry him. She loved him with all her heart. But people didn't like the fact she was marrying him. Like Billy and the owner of this place as well as candyman." She said. "What room is Hannibal Lecter in?" You asked her. She looked through the book and showed you.

Hannibal Lecter- 104

Billy Loomis- 210

You nodded and walked up the stairs to the first floor. You opened the door to see an older gentleman in a suit talking with someone who towered him in height and had a bloody apron on and wore a mask that looked like leather. "Now Thomas. If you have any more problems please come back to my room anytime." The tall figure nodded and walked down the hall away from you. His feet trudged against the floor before you heard a door slam shut.

The man in the suit looked at you for a second before you walked up to him. "You're Hannibal Lecter? I'm (y/n). I'm Adah's (brother/sister)." He looked you up and down before motioning you to enter his apartment. As you walked in you didn't notice him licking his lips. Before closing the door...

Hey I hoped people liked this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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