Chapter Three: Переподвыподверт - Perepodvypodvert

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[Warning: The warnings from the last chapter still apply.]

~Chapter Three: Переподвыподверт – Perepodvypodvert~

"My house."

Since Hors had already announced that I would be going to his home, I am not surprised. However, while I am not necessarily happy with the idea, it does make me relax a little bit more. I still do not trust Hors and it is possible he is just taking me there to kill me – though I am not sure why killing me inside is better than killing me outside – at least he is not taking me to Perun. And while this could just be his way of keeping me in one place until Perun is no longer too busy to deal with me himself, at least it buys me more time, which could mean that I regain my magic in time to escape.

Not interested in answering, I turn my attention towards where we are heading to keep an eye out for the house. It comes into view a minute later and, even if I cannot feel the wards surrounding the property, it is not hard to figure out where they start. They are so strong that the air is visibly shimmering from the magic in a dome shape around the house. Since we are still in a pocket dimension, though, the wards seem like an unnecessary precaution.

The area around the house does not look all that impressive. The flowers in the fields were replaced by a forest the moment Hors teleported us here. There are still plenty of plants that I recognize as 'extinct' or rare, but it is more subtle now since they look similar to everything else that is green.

As for the house is also not very impressive. While it looks nice and it is something I would make for myself, it seems too small and humble for Hors, a sky god, to be living in. It technically has two stories, but the second looks like it is more of an attic room than a secondary floor. The house is pretty modern with grey-tiled walls, a grey roof, dimly-glowing lanterns along the path to the house, and electrical interior lighting visible from outside. It does not look all that big when we get closer, but since we had originally been coming at it from the side, I know it is bigger than how it looks from the front.

There are three stairs and Hors pauses to unlock the door, which is apparently locked with a ward, since he only has to visibly flare his magic once to make the door swing open without a touch. As soon as we pass over the threshold, the door closes behind us on its own and, though I cannot see it to make sure, here is an irrefutable click of the lock reengaging. Suddenly, his reason for having wards makes far more sense.

The strength of the wards would be enough to keep anyone out in case Hors is merely paranoid, but adding in a magical lock is overkill unless it is meant to keep someone in.

The entryway leads into a short hallway, which has a doorway and a staircase on the right, as well as another doorway on the left. Instead of dropping me onto floor or the nearest couch, which would be in the living room I can vaguely see through the doorway on the left, Hors carries me upstairs. There is a door about three-fourths of the way up, which again opens with a small flare of magic before he continues. The attic room is not exceptionally large, but it does have a second door leading to what I suspect is a bathroom. There is a double bed up against the far wall, centered on the room with a window above it and two small side tables, one on either side. It is well-lit with a lamp on both tables and a hanging light above the bed, all on even though it is still bright enough outside for there to be enough visibility for movement.

Hors gently sets me on the bed. "Stay here," he says stoically. As he turns and leaves the room, I consider rolling off the bed to remind him that I do not take his orders, but that would hurt me more than it would have an effect on him. It might convince him to kill me by himself instead of waiting for Perun, but if it does not, I would just look like an idiot who fell on the floor.

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