Speak Now

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(Start song)

( Ps, I listened to this song while I wrote this chapter)

The next morning everyone of Ash's rivals, Companions and friends were gathered in the hotel church. May and Dawn had told Drew and Paul what Serena's plan was and made the boys cover for them while they helped Serena get ready. Ash on the other hand was seriously regretting this and then he remembered what Serena said the night before about him not coming after her all those years ago. The twins on the other hand were furious. They did not want to wear these frilly dresses and didn't want their father to marry that woman.

When it was Lillie's turn to come down the aisle she was wearing the most poofiest, ruffled dress ever. The ceremony started and when the priest said " Speak now or forever hold your peace." Everyone except the people from the Alola region stood up and Misty being helpful for once replied" We object!" Ash was stunned, what were his friends doing?" And why is that miss?" The Priest asked. " Because this wedding is missing a real bride!" Dawn replied as her and May ran down the aisle.

" Who?!" Lana asked incredulously. " The mother of Piper and Peyton, Serena Yvonne!" They said together and moved out of the way to reveal Serena. The Alola friends were stunned. " Mama!" The twins yelled running into their mothers arms. " Serena...." Ash breathed. She looked as beautiful as the day they reunited in Kalos during his Journey. Serena was wearing an adult version of her pink dress from Pokémon summer camp and her sun hat.

" Ash, the love I bare you is so great it breaks my heart to see you love others and it broke my heart to leave. I love you so much more than Lillie ever could!" Serena declared. " THIS IS MY WEDDING AND I WONT LET YOU RUIN IT!" Lillie screeched. She tried to attack Serena but Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, MIETTE, and Shauna held Lillie back." The wedding is off Lillie!" Ash declared. " ILL GET YOU FOR THIS SERENA YVONNE!" Lillie screeched before storming out, the Alola friends following her. Ash and Serena stood in front of each other staring." Don't just stand there! Kiss her!" The boys yelled.

That's exactly what he did. He kissed her and then when they pulled away got down on one knee. " Serena, I love you! I always have! Marry me right here right now?" Ash asked. " Yes!" Serena said without hesitation. Everyone cheered. The twins on the other hand highfived. " We did it!" They cheered.

That day they became Mr and Mrs Ketchum again and this time forever.

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