Chapter 4 - The first fight

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All writing is mine but the characters are not.
Summary - Mickey comes home from work angry and Ian gets mad because Mickey is so angry at him but he didn't do anything wrong.

Mickey got home from work angry, he still worked as a pimp and one of the girls had punched him in the face because a client made her angry. He was beyond pissed. Ian noticed how angry Mickey looked and he walked up to him boyfriend with a smile, he noticed how his lip was swollen a bit from the punch. Ian went to brush his finger a crossed Mickey's lip to feel how bad it was. "Shit Mick what happened?" Ian asked worriedly. Mickey pushed Ian's hand away. "Fuck off." He mumbled. Ian was pretty mad because he only wanted to comfort Mickey. Mickey went to the kitchen to grab a beer. "Mick talk to me." Ian said softly. Mickey hated how pressured he felt and threw his full beer bottle at the wall behind him, he wanted to throw it at Ian but he never would hurt the red head. Ian jumped at the sound. "What the fuck?!" Ian yelled. "Fuck off Ian, you're treating me like I'm some faggot." Mickey snapped instantly regretting what he said, he knew Ian was sensitive. "You are a faggot Mickey, and it's not a bad thing." Ian felt tears running down his cheeks. Mickey felt awful but he was still angry. "I go to work to deal with a bunch of bitches I'm not gonna come home to deal with your sensitive side." Mickey pushed Ian against the wall. Ian punched Mickey hard in the stomach. "Get the fuck out of my house now." Ian yelled. "And yes you should be prepared to come home to me caring about you, you act like a fucking dick most days when you come home, I'm trying to clam you down but you just get all in my face and act like some fake tough guy, you not tough Mickey, you're just a pussy who still can't admit he's gay." Ian went and opened the front door. "Ian what's wrong with you?" Mickey asked, he realized he fucked up. "Nothing wrong with me, I'm not the one scared of his father who by the way has been in jail for over a year and isn't coming out anytime soon." Ian pushed Mickey out of the house and closed the door. He started sobbing. Mickey could hear Ian's sobs, he ran to the back door and opened it to see his boyfriend sitting in front of the door curled up crying. Mickey ran to Ian and hugged him. "I'm sorry Ian, you're right. I am a pussy but please don't leave me, I need you."

Well this sucks shit. I didn't really know where I was going with this, I didn't plan ahead I just wrote. -Jaid😘🏳️‍🌈

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